Attached is the draft agenda for the workshop. This includes the six papers accepted for the first day, 3 panels, an overview of the DUC evaluation, and system reports from the DUC participants. Please look it over and let me know of any changes necessary. In particular check that the affliations are correct and also that the author list (for the first day) and the speaker representing an organization (for the second day) are correct--I had to guess for the speakers for the second day. Donna -------------------------------------------------- July 11: Session 1: Chair (Eduard Hovy) 9:00-9:30: Using maximum entropy for sentence extraction (Miles Osborne) 9:30-10:00 Selecting sentences for multidocument summaries using randomized local search (Michael White and Claire Cardie) 10:00-10:30 Using a text engineering framework to build an extendable and portable IE-based summarisation system (Diana Maynard, Kalina Bontcheva, Horacio Saggion, Hamish Cunningham and Oana Hamzai) 10:30-11:00 break Session 2: Chair (Udo Hahn) 11:00-11:30 Revisions that improve cohesion in multi-document summaries: a preliminary study (Jahna C. Otterbacher, Dragomir R. Radev and Airong Luo) 11:30-12:00 Using summaries in document retrieval (Mark Wasson) 12:00-12:30 Manual and automatic evaluation of summaries (Chin-Yew Lin and Eduard Hovy) 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:30 Overview of DUC 2002 (Paul Over) 2:30-3:30 Panel 1: Evaluation (Daniel Marcu) 3:30-4:00 break Panel 2: Roadmap revisited/Resources/What next (Donna Harman) 4:00-5:30 July 12: Session 1: Chair (Dragomir Radev) 8:30-8:50 Columbia University (Kathleen McKeown) 8:50-9:10 GLEANS/ISI (Daniel Marcu) 9:10-9:30 TNO TPD (Wessel Kraaij) 9:30-9:50 Language Computer Corporation (Sanda Harabagiu) 10:00-10:30 break Session 2: Chair (Kathy McKeown) 10:30-10:50 University of Lethbridge (Yllias Chali) 10:50-11:10 University of Ottawa (Terry Copeck) 11:10-11:30 Penn State University (Hongyuan Zha) 11:30-11:50 University of Nijmegen (Hans van Halteren) 12:00-1:00 lunch Session 3: Chair (Simone Teufel) 1:00-1:20 University of Michigan (Dragomir Radev) 1:20-1:40 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Marie-Francine Moens) 1:40-2:00 IDA/NSA (John Conroy) Session 4: Chair (Wessel Kraaij) 2:10-2:20 BBN (Richard Schwartz) 2:20-2:30 Microsoft/Cambridge (Murat Karamuftuoglu) 2:30-2:40 Imperial College (Partha Lal) 2:40-2:50 University of Montreal (Atefeh Farzindar) 2:50-3:00 NeATs/ISI (Chin-Yew Lin) 3:00-3:30 break 3:30-4:30 Wrapup (Karen Sparck Jones)