Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy

classes that model what is common to all proxies and their management.


Class Summary
AnySizeHandlesByOid The HandlesByOid table is responsible for keeping track of the handle of each persistent object by its object identifier (Oid).
HandlesByOid The HandlesByOid table is responsible for keeping track of the handle of each persistent object by its object identifier (Oid).
Oid This class encapsulates the Object Identifier concept - a value which is unique to each object.

Right now, this class is just an int wrapper.
OneSizeHandlesByOid This particular implementation of HandlesByOid assumes all handles take the same space when they are written to disk.
PersistentObjectManager This class manages the two kinds of objects that may be written to disk in a very short form: Proxies and Handles.
VirtualProxy This is an abstract class which represents what's common to all proxies for support of on-demand (de)materialization of the real objects for which they stand.

Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy Description

classes that model what is common to all proxies and their management. Proxies themselves are kept with the class for which they are proxies.