="a circular 'no smoking' logo"



="a small red obelisk"



="an Audi logo"



="a Metropolitan Police logo"



="this ceramic cat face"



="a cigarette"



="a SKOE can"



="this monochrome bust of Queen Victoria"



="this dog"



="a JENKINS logo"



="this CD stand in the market"



="this public phone booth"



="a black taxi"



="a BMW logo"



="a chrome and glass cafetiere"



="this man (white-haired with dark eyebrows)"



="this David refrigerator magnet"



="these scales"



="a VW logo"






="this pendant"



="this wooden bench with rounded arms"



="a Kathy's menu with stripes"



="this man"



="these turnstiles"



="a tomato-shaped ketchup dispenser"



="a green public trash can"



="Aunt Sal"



="these checkerboard spheres"



="a P (parking automat) sign"
