The video_to_text showcase task testing set consists of the following files: 1- vines.url.testingSet 2- vines.textDescription.A.testingSet 3- vines.textDescription.B.testingSet In each of the above 3 files, the first column represents the ID of a vine URL or a text description. To submit results for the subtask of "Matching and Ranking": ----------------------------------------------------------- Return for each video URL a ranked list of the most likely text description that correspond (was annotated) to the video from each of the sets A and B. Please use the following format in your submission files: rank URL_ID TextDescription_ID where: rank - Is an integer number represents the likelihood that the "textual description" represented by TextDescription_ID taken from vines.textDescription.A.testingSet or vines.textDescription.B.testingSet most likely describes the video URL. (the lower rank numbers, the higher the confidence/rank). URL_ID - Is the URL id taken from the first column in the file vines.url.testingSet TextDescription_ID - Is the textual description id taken from the first column in the files vines.textDescription.A.testingSet or vines.textDescription.B.testingSet Please submit different run files for each of the textual description sets A and B Example of a snippet from a run file: 1 1 367 2 1 78 3 1 1289 . . 1 2 278 2 2 902 . . 1915 1915 10 To submit results for the subtask of "Description Generation": ------------------------------------------------------------- Automatically generate for each video URL a text description (1 sentence) independently and without taking into consideration the existence of sets A and B Please use the following format in your submission files: URL_ID TextDescription Where: URL_ID - Is the URL id taken from the first column in the file vines.url.testingSet TextDescription - Is the system generated 1 sentence text description. Example of a snippet from a run file: 10 a man and a woman riding in a car at night Notes: - Systems are allowed to submit up to 4 runs for each set in the Matching and Ranking subtask and 4 runs in the Description Generation subtask. - Please use the strings ".A." and ".B." as part of your run file names to diffrentiate between set A and set B run files. - A run should include results for all the testing video URLS (no missing video URL_ID will be allowed). - No duplicate result pairs of AND are allowed (please submit only 1 unique set of ranks per URL_ID). - All automatic text descriptions should be in English.