For vsum assessments, annotators are asked whether the submitted summary could be said to answer the following questions for each query. Questions do not strictly need to be answered correctly, just that they could be said to be answered. Max: What were the cause of Max’s serious injuries which left him in hospital? What is/was the relationship between Max and Tanya? What kind of weapon does Max obtain from Phil? Where are Max and Jack during the voilent confrontation between them when a gun is drawn? Who is responsible, or who does Max believe is responsible, for the serious injuries which left him in hospital? Tanya: What does Tanya reveal to the police while being interviewed at the station? What is/was the relationship between Max and Tanya? What does Jack reveal to Tanya about his dodgy past? What does Tanya discover in the sink and on Jack's clothes? What big move were Tanya and Jack planning for the future? Jack: What happens when police break in the door of Jack and Tanya’s home? Where are Max and Jack during the voilent confrontation between them when a gun is drawn? Who does Jack offer to pay in order to withdraw their statement to the police? Why is Jack a suspect in the hit and run on Max? What does Jack reveal to Tanya about his dodgy past? Archie: What happens when Phil throws Archie in to a pit? What happens after Danielle reveals to Archie that Ronnie is her mother? Where do Peggy and Archie get married? What happens when Archie arrives at the pub after Peggy invited him? What happens when Archie is kidnapped? Peggy: Who does Peggy ask to kill Archie? Where do Peggy and Archie get married? Show one of the challenges which Peggy faces in her election run. What does Peggy overhear Archie saying, which causes his marriage to be over? What is Janine doing to irritate or anger Peggy?