Hi, Reminders about submissions which are due at NIST by midnight on Sunday, April 14 - earlier if possible... The basic information is on the guidelines webpage under "Submissions and Evaluation". Please take a look at that. Your submission must conform to the submissions SGML DTD provided there. If it does not parse, then it will not run through the evaluation setup software. Make up your own "sysid" - something likely to be unique, not tooooo cryptic, and preferably short (8 chars) so it can eventually be used conveniently on charts etc. The body of the abstracts should be just plain English text. The body of the extracts will be a sequence of ... sentence elements (see the example off the web page). The words associated with each sentence in an extract should be included if possible so the extract is readable by a human without reference to the documents, but the evaluation will be solely in terms of the docid-num pairs - not the words of the sentences. (Note that for abstracts, the document attribute is "docref" while in extracts it is "docid". The unintended inconsistency is my fault, but may serve to underscore the difference between abstracts and extracts.) Please double check that your submission is complete and correct - correct docsets, docrefs/docids, summary types, sizes, etc. It's a shame to do all the work and then not get it evaluated due to a typo or scripting mistake. Please email me directly and early if you have looked over the webpage info and still have questions. Thanks, Paul