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D U C   2 0 0 7   Information for Active Participants

Main Task: Evaluation Results (Linguistic Quality, Responsiveness, ROUGE, BE) (available as Past DUC Data)

Main Task: Pyramid Evaluation Results (optional) (available as Past DUC Data)

Update Task: Evaluation Results (Responsiveness, Pyramid, ROUGE, BE) (available as Past DUC Data)

Test data (available as Past DUC Data)

Submission guidelines

Each registered group may submit one submission file for each task (main or update), using the XML formats defined below (download to view properly):

The file must include a summary for each of the document sets in the task, even if this is just an empty summary (45 summaries for the main task; 30 summaries for the update task). The file should be named YOURSYSID.xml and emailed as a single attachment to Please use "DUC main [or update] submission: YOUR GROUP" as the subject of the email message. Please validate your submission before emailing it to NIST, using the XML validator of your choice (for example, "java sax.SAXCount -v YOURFILE" from the Xerxes 1.x XML package). Your main task submission must be received at NIST by 11:59 p.m. (EST), on Wednesday, January 31, 2007. Your update task submission must be received at NIST by 11:59 p.m. (EST), on Sunday, February 11, 2007.

XML technical note: Your submitted files will be processed with an XML parser, so make sure that the text of your summaries does not include the raw unescaped & or < characters. If you need to use these characters in your summary, you must escape them using the &amp; and &lt; entity references.

For data, past results, mailing list or other general information
contact: Lori Buckland (
For other questions contact: Hoa Dang (hoa.dang AT
Last updated: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Date created: Friday, 17-December-04