Document Understanding Conferences
DUC 2007: Call for Participation
Document Understanding Conference (DUC)
Rochester, NY
April 26-27, 2007
Conducted by:
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
As the amount of online text continues to grow, we are witnessing a
tremendous increase in interest in summarization research from both
academia and industry. The Document Understanding Conference (DUC) is
a series of summarization evaluations that have been conducted by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) since 2001. Its
goal is to further progress in automatic text summarization and enable
researchers to participate in large-scale experiments in both the
development and evaluation of summarization systems.
DUC has evaluated summarization systems for generic and focused
summaries of English newspaper and newswire data. Various target sizes
(10 - 400 words) have been used and both single-document summaries and
summaries of multiple documents have been evaluated. Summaries have
been manually judged for their readability, and both manual and
automatic evaluation of content coverage have been explored. In 2004,
the road mapping committee strongly
recommended that new tasks be undertaken that are strongly tied to a
clear user application. Therefore, DUC 2005-2006 had a single system
task requiring informative summaries to be generated in response to a
complex question (e.g., "What are the advantages and disadvantages of
same-sex schools"). DUC has continued to grow since its inception,
with 34 sites world-wide participating in the DUC 2006
question-focused summarization task.
The main system task for DUC 2007 will be the same as the 2006 task
and will model real-world complex question answering, in which an
information need cannot be satisfied by simply stating a name, date,
quantity, etc. Given a topic (question) and a set of 25 relevant
documents, the task is to synthesize a fluent, well-organized 250-word
summary of the documents that answers the question(s) in the topic
statement. Summaries will be manually judged for both fluency and
responsiveness to the topic statement. A second, pilot task will also
be run, with the goal of producing short (~100 word) update summaries
of newswire articles under the assumption that the user has already
read a set of earlier articles. Information about DUC 2007 will be
updated and made available in the DUC 2007 guidelines, and the
evaluation results will be presented and discussed at the DUC 2007
Workshop to be held in conjunction with the HLT-NAACL 2007 Conference.
You are invited to participate in the DUC 2007 system tasks.
Organizations interested in participating should submit an application
as soon as possible, but no later than November 19, 2006.
Submitting an application does not commit you to participating in the
DUC 2007 tasks. However, once you apply you will be subscribed to the
duc2007 email list, which will be the means of discussing and
communicating about DUC 2007. You are encouraged to bring up
questions, concerns, and suggestions using this forum. Late
applications may be accepted if resources allow, but in no case will
sample or test data be released to groups who have not applied.
Please email your application to Lori.Buckland@nist.gov. The
application should include the following information:
- Contact information (organization name, full mailing address,
voice and fax phone numbers, email of a main DUC contact)
- Names and email addresses of group members to be included in the
duc2007 mailing list
- A short paragraph on the organization's summarization
- Which task(s) you would like to participate in (main and/or update summary task)
- An indication of whether this group has participated in DUC or
TREC before
All summarization results submitted to DUC will be published in the
Proceedings and archived on the DUC web site. Dissemination of DUC
work and results other than in the conference proceedings is welcomed,
but the conditions of participation preclude specific advertising
claims based on DUC results.
Important Dates:
November 19, 2006 | Application for participation due |
January 17, 2007 | Test data available from NIST |
January 31, 2007 | Submissions due at NIST for evaluation |
February 28, 2007 | Evaluated results returned to participants |
March 21, 2007 | Presentation proposals due |
April 11, 2007 | Workshop papers due at NIST |
April 26-27, 2007 | DUC 2007 workshop at HLT-NAACL |
Program Committee:
John Conroy, IDA/CCS
Hoa Trang Dang, NIST (co-chair)
Donna Harman, NIST (co-chair)
Ed Hovy, ISI/USC
Kathy McKeown, Columbia University
Drago Radev, University of Michigan
Karen Sparck-Jones, University of Cambridge
Lucy Vanderwende, Microsoft Research