Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexingFeature
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.feature classes that model indexing features of various types 
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.matcher classes responsible for comparing one set of indexing features with another (e.g., a document's with a query's) 

Uses of IndexingFeature in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.feature

Subclasses of IndexingFeature in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.feature
 class IdxFeatWordInString
          This particular IndexingFeature allows you to keep track of the positional information of a word within a String with the variable wordCount.
 class IdxFeatWordInText
          Container for elements of an Indexing Feature, the feature itself (a term, vector, label, etc.) and the source document that it was generated from.

Uses of IndexingFeature in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.matcher

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.matcher with parameters of type IndexingFeature
 double Matcherbp.match(IndexingFeature if1, IndexingFeature if2)
          Determines whether two indexing features match
 boolean Matcherbp.exactMatch(IndexingFeature if1, IndexingFeature if2)
          Determines if two indexing features match exactly
 boolean Matcherbp.extendedExactMatch(IndexingFeature if1, IndexingFeature if2)
          Determines if two indexing features have the same attribute name and match
 boolean Matcherbp.sameAddress(IndexingFeature if1, IndexingFeature if2)
          Determines if two indexing features have the same attribute name and match
 boolean Matcherbp.sameAttributeName(IndexingFeature if1, IndexingFeature if2)
          Determine if two indexing features have the same attribute name