Guidelines for the TREC-2002 Video Track
(last updated: Monday, 13-Dec-2004 14:39:08 UTC)
1. Goal
Promote progress in content-based retrieval from digital video via open,
metrics-based evaluation.
2. Tasks
There are three main tasks with tests associated and participants in the Video Track must complete at least one of
these three:
- shot boundary determination
- feature extraction
- search
There is one voluntary auxilliary task with no direct test
- extraction of search test set features for donation
Many systems will accomplish the auxilliary task by running
part of their search system on the search test set early
enough to produce feature output to share. Or they may
run a stand-alone feature extraction system for the same
The feature extraction, search, and auxilliary tasks come
in two flavors, depending on whether system development and
- A - use knowledge of the search test set
- B - do not use such knowledge
Each feature extraction task submission, search task submission,
or donation of extracted features must declare its type: A or B.
Search submissions of type B cannot make use of feature donations
of type A. Search submission of type A can make use of feature
donations of either type.
Available feature donations:
In both the feature extraction and search tasks, systems may be
compared within and/or across types.
Available keyframe donation:
The team at Dublin City
University has selected a keyframe for each shot from the common shot
reference in the search test collection and these are available for download.
2.1 Shot detection:
Identify the shot boundaries with their location and
type (cut or gradual) in the given video clip(s) -
2.2 Feature extraction:
Various semantic features concepts such as "Indoor/Outdoor", "People",
"Speech" etc. occur frequently in video databases. The proposed task
has the following objectives:
To begin work on a benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of
detection methods for semantic concepts
To allow exchange of feature detection output based on the TREC Video
Track search test set prior to the search task results submission date so
that participants can explore innovative ways of leveraging
those detectors in answering the search task queries.
The task is as follows. Given a standard set of shot boundaries for
the feature extraction test collection and a list of feature
definitions, participants will return for each feature the list of at
most the top 1000 video shots from the standard set, ranked according
to the highest possibility of detecting the presence of the
feature. Each feature is assumed to be binary, i.e., it is either
present or absent in the given standard video shot.
Some participants may wish to make their feature detection output
available to participants in the search task. By August 1, these
participants should provide the detection over the search test
collection in the feature
exchange format.
Description of features to be detected:
These descriptions are
meant to be clear to humans, e.g., assessors/annotators creating truth
data and system developers attempting to automate feature detection.
They are not meant to indicate how automatic detection should be
If the feature is true for some frame (sequence) within the shot, then
it is true for the shot; and vice versa. This is a simplifaction
adopted for the benefits it affords in pooling of results and
approximating the basis for calculating recall.
Outdoors: Segment contains a recognizably outdoor location,
i.e., one outside of buildings. Should exclude all scenes that are
indoors or are close-ups of objects (even if the objects are
Indoors: Segment contains a recognizably indoor location, i.e.,
inside a building. Should exclude all scenes that are outdoors or are
close-ups of objects (even if the objects are indoor).
Face: Segment contains at least one human face with the nose,
mouth, and both eyes visible. Pictures of a face meeting the above
conditions count.
People: Segment contains a group of two more humans, each of
which is at least partially visible and is recognizable as a
Cityscape: Segment contains a recognizably city/urban/suburban
Landscape: Segment contains a predominantly natural inland
setting, i.e., one with little or no evidence of development by
humans. For example, scenes consisting mostly of plowed/planted
fields, pastures, orchards would be excluded. Some buildings, if small
features on the overall landscape, should be OK. Scenes with bodies of
water that are clearly inland may be included.
Text Overlay: Segment contains superimposed text large enough to be
Speech: A human voice uttering words is recognizable as such in
this segment
Instrumental Sound: Sound produced by one or more musical
instruments is recognizable as such in this segment. Included are
percussion instruments.
Monologue: Segment contains an event in which a single person
is at least partially visible and speaks for a long time without
interruption by another speaker. Pauses are ok if short.
2.3 Search:
Given a multimedia statement of information need and the common shot
boundary reference for the search test collection, return a ranked list
of 100 shots from the standard set, which best satisfy the
need. Please note the following restrictions for this task:
The only manually created collection information search systems
are allowed to use will be the video titles, brief descriptions,
and descriptors accessible on the Internet Archive and Open Video
For TREC 2002 the track will set aside the challenging problem of
fully automatic topic analysis and query generation. Submissions will
be restricted to those with a human in the loop, i.e., manual or
interactive runs as defined below. Once we have a better idea what
features make sense for the TREC 2002 video topics and collection,
attempts to automate the extraction of such features can be more
efficiently investigated.
Because the choice of features and their combination for search is an
open research question, no attempt will be made in TREC 2002 to
restrict groups with respect to their use of features in
search. However, groups making manual runs must report their queries,
query features, and feature definitions. These might serve as a basis
for a common query language next year, if such a language is
Systems are allowed to use transcripts created by automatic speech
recognition (ASR). But it is recommended that if an X+ASR run is
submitted, then either an ASR-only or X-only run must also be
submitted so that the effect of ASR can be measured. All runs count in
determining how many runs a group submits.
Groups submitting interactive runs must include a measure of time
spent in browsing/searching for each search - minutes of elapsed time
from the time the searcher is given the topic to the time the search
effort ends.
Such groups are encouraged to measure user
characteristics and satisfaction as well and report this with their
results, but they need not submit this information to NIST. Here are
some examples of instruments for collection of user
characteristics/satisfaction data developed and used by the TREC
Interactive Track for several years.
3. Framework for the Video Track
The TREC 2002 Video Track is a laboratory-style evaluation that
attempts to model real world situations.
3.1 Search
In the case of the search task, the evaluation attempts to model the
operational situation in which a search system, tuned to a largely
static collection, is confronted with an as yet unseen query - much as
would happen when an end-user with an information need steps up to a
operational search system connected to a large, static video archive
and begins a search.
In this model the system is adapted before the test to the test
collection and to some basic assumptions about what kinds of
information needs it may encounter (e.g., requests for video material
on specific people, examples of classes of people, specific objects,
examples of classes of object and so analogously for events,
locations, etc. - as noted in the track guidelines). The system is at
no point adapted to particular test topics.
In the TREC Video Track the amount of time allowed to adapt the system
to the test collection is a covariant, not an independent
variable. Research groups interested in determining how well a system
adapted solely to data from outside the search test collection
performs, can use the feature extraction development/test collection
or data from the TREC-2001 Video Track rather than the TREC-2002
search test collection to develop their system.
For TREC 2002 the topics will be developed by NIST who will control
their distribution. Once the topics are received and before query
construction begins, the system must be frozen. It cannot be adapted
to the topics/queries. The time allowed for query construction will be
narrowly limited only if the participants want this. Even in this case
the topics will be available in time to give groups considerable
freedom in when they actually freeze their system, construct the
queries, and run the test.
3.2 Feature extraction and shot boundary determination
In the case of feature extraction and shot boundary determination, the
set of features or shot types is known during system development. The
test data themselves are unknown until test time, although high-level
information about it is assumed to be available. Other data, believed
similar enough to the test data to support system training/validation,
are available before the test. Such data could be provided by a
customer for whom the system is being developed, drawn from other
sources of judged similar on the basis of high-level comparison, etc.
Total identified collection: 68.45 hrs MPEG-1/VCD from:
- Partitioning of the videos in the identified collection
- Videos for the shot boundary detection task will taken from
outside the total identified collection as described above./li>
The files from the Open Video collection will be used as they exist
on the site in MPEG-1 format. The Internet Archive (IA) videos
available in VCD (MPEG-1) format as they exist on the site in VCD
format. NIST assumes participating groups will be able to download the
files from the IA and OV.
For video data, all experiments will use only the MPEG-1/VCD files
listed in the collection definition. Additional experiments using
other formats are not discouraged, but will be outside the evaluation
framework of the track for 2002.
4.1 Common shot boundary reference:
Here is the common shot boundary reference
for use in the search and feature extraction tasks. The emphasis here
is on the shots, not the transitions.
The shots are contiguous. There are no gaps between them. They do not
overlap. The media time format is based on the Gregorian day time (ISO
8601) norm. Fractions are defined by counting pre-specified fractions
of a second. In our case, the frame rate is 29.97. One fraction of a
second is thus specified as "PT1001N30000F".
TREC video id has the format of "XXX" and shot id "shotXXX_YYY".
The "XXX" is the sequence number of video onto which the video file
name is mapped, this is based on the "collection.xml" file. The "YYY"
is the sequence number of the shot.
The directory contains these file(type)s:
- xxx.mp7.xml - master shot list for video with id "xxx" in
- collection.xml - an xml version of the combined collection lists
- README - info on the files in the directory
- time.elements - info the meaning/format of the MPEG-7 MediaTimePoint and MediaDuration elements
- trecvid2002CommonShotBoundaryRef.tar.gz - gzipped tar file of the
directory contents
4.2 Data for the search task:
NIST randomly choose about 40 hours from the identified collection to
be used as the search test
collection. This is approximately four times the amount of data
used for the search test collection in TREC-2001.
With the exception of the feature extraction test, search task
participants are free to use any video material for developing their
search systems (including the search test collection and the feature
extraction development collection). The sole use of the feature
extraction test set in TREC-2002 is for testing in the feature
extraction task.
4.3 Data for the feature extraction task:
The approximately 30 hours of the identified collection left after the
search test collection has been removed has been designated the
feature extraction collections. It was partitioned randomly into a
feature development (training and validation) collection and a feature
test collection.
The feature development collection will be available for participants
to train their feature extractors for the feature extraction task as
well as feature-based search systems for the search task. With the
exception of the feature extraction test set, feature extraction task
participants are free to use any video (including the search test
collection) for developing their systems. None of the feature extraction test set should in any
way be used to create feature extractors. The sole use of the feature
extraction test set in TREC-2002 is for testing in the feature
extraction task.
4.4 Data for the shot boundary detection task:
The shot
boundary (SB) test collection will be about 5 hours of videos similar to
but from outside the those in the 68 hours of the identified
collection. It will be chosen by NIST and announced in time for
participants to download it but not before.
4.5 Summary of tasks and available data
5. Information needs and topics
5.1 Example types of informations needs
I'm interested in video material / information about:
a specific person
e.g., I want all the information you have on Ronald Reagan.
one or more instances of a category of people
e.g., Find me some footage of men wearing hardhats.
a specific thing
e.g., I'm interested in any material on Hoover Dam.
one or more instances of a category of things
e.g., I need footage of helicopters.
a specific event/activity
e.g., I'm looking for a clip of Ronald Reagan reading a speech about
the space shuttle
one or more instances of a category of events/activities
e.g., I want to include several different clips of rockets taking off.
I need to explain what cavitation is all about.
5.2 Topics:
Describe the information need - input to systems and guide to humans assessing
relevance of system output
25 developed by NIST and available here for active participants
Multimedia - subject to the nature of the need and the questioner's choice
of expression
As realistic in intent and expression as possible - we can imagine a trained
searcher trying to find material for reuse in a large video archive, asking
for this information or video material in this way
Template for topic:
Brief textual description of the information need (this text may contain
references to the examples)
Examples* of what is wanted:
reference to video clip
- Optional brief textual clarification of the example's relation to the need
reference to image
- Optional brief textual clarification of the example's relation to the need
reference to audio
- Optional brief textual clarification of the example's relation to the need
* If possible, the examples will come from outside the test
data. They could be taken from various stable public domain
sources. If the example comes from the test collection, the text
description will be such that using a quotation from the test
collection is plausible, e.g., "I want to find all the OTHER shots
dealing with X." A search for a single shot cannot be described with
an example from the target shot.
6. Submissions and Evaluation
6.1 Shot boundary detection
Participating groups may submit up to 10 runs. All runs will be
The format of submissions will be the same as in TREC 2001. Here is a
DTD for shot boundary
results on one video file, one for results on multiple files,
and a small example of
what a site would send to NIST for evaluation. Please check your
submission to see that it is well-formed
Please send your submissions (up to 10 runs) in an email to Iindicate somewhere (e.g., in the subject
line) which group you are attached to so that we match you up with the
active participant's database.
Automatic comparison to human-annotated reference
- Measures:
- All transitions:
for each file, precision and recall for
detection; for each run, the mean precision and recall per reference transition
across all files
Gradual transitions only: "frame-recall" and "frame precision" will be
calculated for each detected gradual reference transition. Averages
per detected gradual reference transition will be calculated for each
file and for each submitted run. Details
are available.
6.2 Feature extraction
We believe we can judge up to 2 runs. Groups may submit one or two
important runs beyond the maximum of 2 and we will do our best to get
them judged but cannot promise. All runs must be prioritized.
- For each feature, participants will return the list of at most the
top 1000 standard video shots ranked according to the highest
possibility of detecting the feature.
Here is a DTD for
feature extraction results of one run, one for results from multiple
runs, and a
small example of what a site would send to NIST for
evaluation. Please check your submission to see that it is well-formed
Please send your submission in an email to Indicate
somewhere (e.g., in the subject line) which group you are attached to
so that we match you up with the active participant's database. Send
all of your runs as one file or send each run as a file but please
do not break up your submission any more than that. A run will contain
results for all features you worked on.
Performance evaluation of the feature detectors will be performed
using the feature detection test set only. The unit of testing and
performance assessment will be the video shot as defined by the
track's common shot boundary reference. The ranked lists for the
detection of each feature will be assessed manually as follows.
We will take the submitted ranked lists for a given feature and
merge them down to a fixed depth to get list of unique shots. These
will be assessed manually. We will then evaluate each submission
to its full depth based on the results of assessing the merged subsets.
If the feature is perceivable by the assessor for some frame
(sequence) however short or long then, then we'll assess it as true;
otherwise false. We'll rely on the complex thresholds built into the
human perceptual systems. Search and feature extraction applications
are likely - ultimately - to face the complex judgment of a human with
whatever variability is inherent in that.
If NIST is able to assess all the test set with the
participants' help, then the performance numbers will be computed on
the entire list of shots in the test set.
Runs will be compared using precision and recall. Precision-recall
curves will be used as well as a measure which combines precision and
recall (mean) average precision(see below under Search for
6.3 Search
- We believe we can judge up to 4 runs for interactive and manual
searches combined. All runs must be prioritized. Groups may submit
one or two important runs beyond the maximum of 4 and we will do our
best to get them judged but cannot promise.
- Here is a DTD for
search results of one run, one for results from multiple
runs, and a
small example of what a site would send to NIST for
evaluation. Please check your submission to see that it is well-formed
Please send your submission in an email to Indicate
somewhere (e.g., in the subject line) which group you are attached to
so that we match you up with the active participant's database. Send
all of your runs as one file or send each run as a file but please
do not break up your submission any more than that. A run will contain
results for all of the topics.
Human assessment of each shot as to whether the shot meets the need or
not. The ranked lists for the
detection of each topic will be assessed manually as follows.
We will take the submitted ranked lists for a given topic and
merge them down to a fixed depth to get list of unique shots. These
will be assessed manually. We will then evaluate each submission
to its full depth based on the results of assessing the merged subsets.
The likelihood of finding more of the possible relevant shots will be
increased by the inclusion of interactive runs. A special NIST run,
created by a manual search during topic preparation, will be included
in its entirety among the merged subsets.
- Result set size: 100 shots maximum
- Per-search measures:
- average precision (definition below)
- elapsed time (for interactive runs only)
- Per-run measure:
- mean average precision (MAP):
Non-interpolated average precision, corresponds to the area
under an ideal (non-interpolated) recall/precision curve. To compute
this average, precision average for each topic is first calculated.
This is done by computing the precision after every retrieved relevant
shot and then averaging these precisions over the total number of
retrieved relevant shots in the collection for that topic. Average
precision favors
highly ranked relevant documents. It allows comparison of different
size result sets. Submitting the maximum number of items per result
set can never lower the average precision for that submission.
These topic averages are
then combined (averaged) across all topics in the appropriate set to
create the non-interpolated mean average precision (MAP) for that
set. (See the TREC-10
Proceedings appendix on common evaluation measures for more information.)
7. Milestones for TREC-2002 Video Track
- 14. Feb
- Short application due at NIST. See bottom of Call for Participation
- 1. May
- Guidelines complete (includes definition of search, feature extraction development, and feature extraction test collections)
- 20. May
- Common shot boundary reference for the search test collection available
- 1. Jul
ASR transcripts
available from groups willing to share in this MPEG-7 format.
- 22. Jul
- Shot boundary test collection defined
- 1. Aug
- Any donated
MPEG-7 output of feature extraction on the search test collection
due/available in this format.
- 8. Aug
- Search topics available for active participants
- 11. Aug
- Shot boundary detection submissions due at NIST for evaluation.
- 2. Sep
- Feature extraction task submission due at NIST for evaluation. See section 6.2 above for details
- 8. Sep
- Search task submission due at NIST for evaluation. See section 6.3 above for details
- 11. Oct
- Results of evaluations returned to participants
- 3. Nov
- Conference notebook papers due at NIST
- 19.-22. Nov
- TREC 2002 Conference at NIST in Gaithersburg, Md.
8. Results (evaluated submissions and notebook papers for submitters)
The following links lead to information on the results of
the three evaluations. Use the password provided to those who
submitted runs for evaluation.
9. Guideline issues to be resolved
- Can groups planning interactive runs agree on some minimal user satisfaction questions/measures? Here are some examples developed and used by the Interactive Track for several years.
- Others?
10. Contacts:
NIST contact:
Email discussion list:
If you would like to subscribe, logon using the logon you will use to
send mail to the discussion list and to which you would like trecvid
email to be reflected. Send email to and include
in the body the following:
subscribe trecvid YOUR FULL NAME
You'll receive instructions on using the list. Basically, you send
your thoughts via email to and they are automatically
sent out to everyone who is subscribed to the list.
updated: Monday, 13-Dec-2004 14:39:08 UTC
Date created:
Monday, 19-Nov-01
For further information contact Paul Over (