What is The Illusionist's name?: Eisenheim: Sophie: Uhl: Josef: Jurka: Eisenheim What did the boy see disappear while he was walking home in the story?: chicken: horse: cow: fox: traveling magician: traveling magician What do the boy and girl promise to do together one day? :Get married: buy a house: run away: have kids: kiss: run away What was Eisenheim's name before he changed it? : Michael: Edward: Todd: Steve: Josef: Edward What fruit seed is used for The Illusionist trick? : Apple: lemon: grape: orange: mango: orange What important person goes to see The Illusionist show? : King: Emperor: Queen: Crown Prince: Lord: Crown Prince What color was the horse that Sophie was on to escape the Prince? : Black: brown: white: blonde: gray: white Where is Sophie's body found? : River: barn: house: alley: train: river How did Sophie die? : Poison: faked: drowning: suffocation: suicide: faked What color is the gem stone the doctor found on Sophie? : Green: purple: blue: red: yellow: red What is the false charge placed on Eisenheim? : Murder: theft: fraud: kidnapping: impersonation: fraud What was inside the butterfly necklace? : A picture: a heart: a key: a gem: a note: a picture How does the Crown Prince die? : Poison: suicide: stabbed: hung: trampled: suicide