Scene: The_Illusionist 35 Interactions: talks to asks breaks news to stops Scene: The_Illusionist 19 Interactions: walk with talks to asks breaks news to Scene: The_Illusionist 9 Interactions: hides from hides from hides from hides from holds in arms grabs grabs Scene: The_Illusionist 25 Interactions: orders talks to asks talks to scolds socializes with leave together Scene: 5 Person: Woman1 Interactions To: Name: talks to Source: Woman1 Target: Young Sophie Name: grabs Source: Woman1 Target: Young Sophie Interactions From: Scene: 18 Person: Josef Interactions To: Name: introduces Source: Josef Target: Eisenheim Name: whispers to Source: Josef Target: Eisenheim Interactions From: Scene: 18 Person: Prince Leopold Interactions To: Name: socializes with Source: Prince Leopold Target: Eisenheim Name: invites Source: Prince Leopold Target: Eisenheim Interactions From: Name: thanks Source: Eisenheim Target: Prince Leopold Name: talks to Source: Sophie Target: Prince Leopold Scene: 27 Person: Eisenheim Interactions To: Name: asks Source: Eisenheim Target: Sophie Name: argue with Source: Eisenheim Target: Sophie Name: kisses Source: Eisenheim Target: Sophie Name: makes love to Source: Eisenheim Target: Sophie Interactions From: Scene: 4 First Interaction: follows Source: Young Sophie Target: Young Eisenheim Scene: 7 Next Interaction: whispers to Source: Young Sophie Target: Young Eisenheim Other Interactions: asks explains to talks to grabs watches Scene: 8 First Interaction: thanks Source: Young Sophie Target: Young Eisenheim Scene: 9 Next Interaction: holds in arms Source: Young Eisenheim Target: Young Sophie Other Interactions: walk with shows breaks news to accuses leave together Scene: 21 First Interaction: asks Source: Jurka Target: Inspector Uhi Scene: 33 Next Interaction: walk with Source: Inspector Uhi Target: Jurka Other Interactions: watches leave together arrests shows talks to Scene: 11 First Interaction: gives to Source: Eisenheim Target: Audience Woman1 Scene: 11 Next Interaction: watches Source: Audience Woman1 Target: Eisenheim Other Interactions: talks to asks yells at breaks up with whispers to Scene: 18 First Interaction: socializes with Source: Prince Leopold Target: Eisenheim Scene: 18 Next Interaction: thanks Source: Eisenheim Target: Prince Leopold Other Interactions: walk with asks leads talks to greets Scene: 13 First Interaction: asks Source: Eisenheim Target: Josef Scene: 13 Next Interaction: asks Source: Josef Target: Eisenheim Other Interactions: reassures explains to touches leave together talks to Scene: 32 First Interaction: grabs Source: Sophie Target: Eisenheim Scene: 32 Next Interaction: gives to Source: Eisenheim Target: Sophie Other Interactions: apologizes to passes in the street talks to asks leads Scene: 30 First Interaction: asks Source: Eisenheim Target: Josef Scene: 30 Next Interaction: scolds Source: Josef Target: Eisenheim Other Interactions: touches talks to follows hides from kisses 3,7,12,18,24,28,32,36,40,43 32,24,7,36,12,40,28,3,43,18 Young Eisenheim meets a travelling magician in a field who shows him a magic trick. Young Sophie and Young Eisenheim hide from her parents in the forest and talk about a future together. They share a kiss. Children approach Eisenheim in the street and beg him for money. He does a magic trick and makes coins appear to give to them. Eisenheim meets Prince Leopold and Sophie backstage after the show and Josef introduces him to the prince. Eisenheim thanks the prince for attending and they socialize. Prince Leopold invites Eisenheim to his residence for another evening of fun before leaving with Sophie. Eisenheim puts on a show for Prince Leopold and his guests at the mansion but the performance leaves the prince with a bad impression of Eisenheim. Sophie tells Eisenheim about Prince Leopold's plan to announce the engagement as well as overthrow his father. Inspector Assistant spies on Eisenheim and watches as he brings a suitcase to a carriage and passes it to a woman. The woman turns out to be Sophie, who grabs Eisenheim before he leaves to give him a kiss. Sophie arrives at the mansion and Loschek leads her to a room to wait for Prince Leopold. Sophie and the prince get into a fight and he slaps her across the face. Sophie runs out and Loschek watches as the prince follows her to the stable. Sophie manages to escape. Inspector Uhi, Inspector Assistant, and Jurka go to see Sophie's body in person. They meet with the Doctor and he explains her cause of death. Before leaving, the Doctor gives Uhi a gem he found on Sophie's body. A man was arrested for Sophie's murder but Inspector Uhi continues to have Eisenheim watched for precaution. scene ,GT_sentiment, Q_sentiment1, Q_sentiment2, Q_sentiment3, Q_sentiment4, Q_sentiment5 13 , breakfast, meeting for lunch, date, party, going out, signing a contract 23 , meeting for lunch, telephone conversation, waiting in line, party, conference, cooking 27 , intimacy/sex, greeting, job interview, parent-teacher conference, small talk, wedding 36 , breaking up, fight, proposal, frightening experience, date, blackmail