DVU (phase2) Queries are composed of the scene-level queries for 2 movies: - Bagman - The_Illusionist The folder : https://www-nlpir.nist.gov/projects/trecvid/dvu/testing/Queries/Scene-level/ Contains ,in phase 2, two xml scene-level query files (one for each movie). In addition, a the subfolder : contains extra image snapshots For additional entities that annotators referenced at the scene-level. Finally, two entity.types files are created to mark the types of the additional entities: - Bagman.entity.types.phase2.txt - TheIllusionist.entity.types.phase2 Please refer to the main readme file for detailed information about queries and associated data: https://www-nlpir.nist.gov/projects/trecvid/dvu/testing/Queries/dvu.2021.testingQueries.readme.txt