Scene: Bagman 26 Interactions: gives to talks to watches watches touches asks talks to Scene: Bagman 34 Interactions: walk with kisses works with gives to Scene: Bagman 3 Interactions: grabs calls on phone talks to scolds Scene: Bagman 14 Interactions: plays with explains to walk with asks talks to Scene: 10 Person: Enid Interactions To: Name: reminds Source: Enid Target: Jack Interactions From: Name: asks Source: Jack Target: Enid Name: thanks Source: Jack Target: Enid Scene: 31 Person: Jack Interactions To: Name: asks Source: Jack Target: Kevin Name: explains to Source: Jack Target: Kevin Name: orders Source: Jack Target: Enid Interactions From: Name: talks to Source: Manny Target: Jack Scene: 29 Person: Brian Interactions To: Name: apologizes to Source: Brian Target: Emily Interactions From: Name: shows Source: Mike Target: Brian Scene: 7 Person: Jack Interactions To: Name: watches Source: Jack Target: Chief Poncho Name: talks to Source: Jack Target: Mike Interactions From: Name: talks to Source: Mike Target: Jack Scene: 24 First Interaction: greets Source: Chris Target: Mike Scene: 24 Next Interaction: shows Source: Chris Target: Mike Other Interactions: talks to introduces explains to gives to socializes with Scene: 11 First Interaction: scolds Source: Manny Target: Jack Scene: 11 Next Interaction: talks to Source: Jack Target: Manny Other Interactions: thanks explains to mocks greets watches Scene: 7 First Interaction: talks to Source: Jack Target: Mike Scene: 8 Next Interaction: touches Source: Jack Target: Mike Other Interactions: smiles at socializes with asks walk with watches Scene: 6 First Interaction: whispers to Source: Jack Target: Mike Scene: 6 Next Interaction: whispers to Source: Mike Target: Jack Other Interactions: asks gives to follows talks to thanks Scene: 41 First Interaction: gives to Source: Adam Target: Woman1 Scene: 41 Next Interaction: kisses Source: Adam Target: Woman1 Other Interactions: dismisses calls on phone socializes with talks to shows Scene: 35 First Interaction: yells at Source: Jack Target: Mike Scene: 35 Next Interaction: yells at Source: Mike Target: Jack Other Interactions: greets talks to socializes with gives to apologizes to Scene: 47 First Interaction: yells at Source: Mr. Sprague Target: Jack Scene: 43 Next Interaction: avoids Source: Jack Target: Mr. Sprague Other Interactions: talks to gives to asks greets thanks Scene: 28 First Interaction: watches Source: Jack Target: Pam Scene: 19 Next Interaction: reassures Source: Jack Target: Pam Other Interactions: shows asks talks to negotiates with socializes with 3,8,13,19,24,28,33,37,41,43 19,41,33,3,43,8,24,13,37,28 Jack is with his daughter Sarah in the car as they are stuck in traffic. He glances down and grabs the magazine his daughter is reading, from her hands when he notices the inappropriate articles she is looking at. His phone rings and he answers a call from his business partner, Mike who is panicking about the situation the two of them are in. Jack walks with Chief Poncho on the golf course and talks to him about business. Chief Poncho compliments Jack's sense of humor. They play golf together and Jack asks him if he has heard about Mike's proposal, Chief Poncho is unsure but Jack reassures him. Driving on the golf course, Mike reaches out to Jack for a high-five. While Jack plays the piano late at night, his wife, Pam comes downstairs and sits with him. He puts his arm around Pam and she asks him what he is doing still up this late since the kids have gone to sleep. The two reminisce on their past. Pam asks Jack about Adam and he explains to her and quotes a movie. She complains to him about it and he pulls her close in his arms and gives her a kiss. Pam then brings up their overdue bills, Jack reassures her that they are financially stable. Mike and Adam go visit Gus Boulis on his cruise ship to negotiate their shares on a deal. They are greeted by Gus' nephew Chris who flashes his gun at them and offers to get them drinks. After waiting an hour, Adam is frustrated complains to Mike, he is about to leave but Mike stops him. Gus Boulis finally appears and greets them. Mike compliments Gus on the cruise ship and begins to negotiate. Mike makes the mistake of quoting a movie that offends Gus, as it doesn't look professional and he and Chris leave. Jack gives a speech and introduces Tom DeLay to the stage. Then he hands a check to Senator Jarvis and the Senator thanks him. Jack approaches Grover who complains to him about having to socialize with Chief Poncho who is currently talking to Pam at another table. Jack attempts to appease Grover and negotiate with him. Grover asks where Mike is, as he was supposed to take over for him hours ago. Adam visits Jack at his house and Jack yells at him for not being honest with him. They work together to formulate a plan to deal with casinos. Mr. Sprague calls Jack's office and speaks with Enid. Jack overhears and whispers to Enid to tell him Jack is busy. Mr. Sprague is determined and tells Enid to let Jack know he will have a visitor soon. Adam is on the phone with Jack when someone is at the door. Gus Boulis visits Adam and he escorts two women out. He gives them kisses goodbye and throws some cash on the ground. Gus and Adam get into an argument and begin to yell at each other before getting into a physical fight. Mr. Sprague tries to meet with Jack at his office but the office secretary tells him Jack is busy. Mike calls Jack and tells him that Emily has not called him back. They also discuss the fake wire transfer they sent to Gus Boulis. Enid hands Jack a dumbbell and is about to walk out of his office but sees Mr. Sprague and turns the other way. Mike meets with Gus Boulis, Chris, and Woman On Boat. He apologizes for the fake wire transfer but Gus does not buy it and dismisses Mike. But Mike is determined and explains the benefits of working with him and Jack. Chris watches Mike like a guard and Woman On Boat expresses her dislike towards Adam when he is mentioned. scene ,GT_sentiment, Q_sentiment1, Q_sentiment2, Q_sentiment3, Q_sentiment4, Q_sentiment5 10 , office job, talking / conversation, religious service, greeting, meeting for lunch, party 15 , planning event, sales pitch, shopping, fight, date, flirting 21 , travel, escape, family gathering, lost, talking / conversation, elevator ride 29 , moving (from apartment/house), arrest, playing, party, road trip, robbery