Scene: Manos 25 Interactions: touches talks to explains to threatens Scene: Manos 12 Interactions: apologizes to reassures agrees with demands Scene: Manos 33 Interactions: hits hits stops stops grabs talks to orders orders Scene: Manos 6 Interactions: talks to asks greets greets greets talks to asks talks to offers to help Scene: 13 Person: Mike Interactions To: Name: talks to Source: Mike Target: Margaret Name: asks Source: Mike Target: Torgo Name: asks Source: Mike Target: Torgo Name: embraces Source: Mike Target: Margaret Interactions From: Name: explains to Source: Torgo Target: Mike Scene: 36 Person: Margaret Interactions To: Name: talks to Source: Margaret Target: Mike Name: runs to Source: Margaret Target: Mike Interactions From: Name: leads Source: Mike Target: Margaret Scene: 24 Person: Wife1 Interactions To: Name: talks to Source: Wife1 Target: Wife6 Name: fights with Source: Wife1 Target: Wife4 Interactions From: Name: agrees with Source: Wife3 Target: Wife1 Name: scolds Source: Wife2 Target: Wife1 Name: hits Source: Wife2 Target: Wife1 Scene: 36 Person: Mike Interactions To: Name: leads Source: Mike Target: Margaret Interactions From: Name: talks to Source: Margaret Target: Mike Name: runs to Source: Margaret Target: Mike Name: walk with Source: Debbie Target: Mike Scene: 8 First Interaction: talks to Source: Torgo Target: Margaret Scene: 10 Next Interaction: talks to Source: Margaret Target: Torgo Other Interactions: explains to yells at kisses greets stops Scene: 24 First Interaction: talks to Source: Wife1 Target: Wife2 Scene: 24 Next Interaction: scolds Source: Wife2 Target: Wife1 Other Interactions: walk with hits yells at argue with orders Scene: 10 First Interaction: asks Source: Margaret Target: Torgo Scene: 10 Next Interaction: explains to Source: Torgo Target: Margaret Other Interactions: leave together shows fights with walk with hits Scene: 8 First Interaction: holds in arms Source: Mike Target: Margaret Scene: 8 Next Interaction: reassures Source: Mike Target: Margaret Other Interactions: talks to comforts watches explains to stops Scene: 26 First Interaction: hits Source: Wife2 Target: Mike Scene: 26 Next Interaction: kisses Source: Wife2 Target: Mike Other Interactions: yells at touches watches talks to fights with Scene: 40 First Interaction: leave together Source: Margaret Target: Debbie Scene: 36 Next Interaction: leave together Source: Margaret Target: Debbie Other Interactions: talks to follows asks fights with scolds Scene: 32 First Interaction: yells at Source: Mike Target: Margaret Scene: 17 Next Interaction: talks to Source: Mike Target: Margaret Other Interactions: stops runs to complains to fights with argue with Scene: 40 First Interaction: leave together Source: Margaret Target: Mike Scene: 40 Next Interaction: talks to Source: Mike Target: Margaret Other Interactions: hits fights with stops argue with asks 2,6,12,16,23,28,32,36,40,44 23,44,2,16,6,32,40,12,36,28 Mike gets pulled over for missing tail light and the officer lets them off with a warning. The family continues on their trip. Mike, Margaret, and Debbie end up lost in the forest so Mike tries to turn around and find their way back. They end up at the House. They meet Torgo at the entrance and try to ask for directions. Torgo explains the place and that the Master won't like the child or their dog. Mike convinces Torgo to let them stay the night despite Margaret's disgust with the property. Torgo helps them with their luggage. Still in the bedroom, Margaret calls for Mike. Torgo apologizes and asks for Margaret's forgiveness. He reassures her that he will protect her. Margaret agrees to not tell her husband and demands to be let out of the room. Debbie shows Mike and Margaret to the tomb and they are horrified by what they see, running back to the house. Master watches as the 6 wives argue about whether or not Debbie should live. Master yells at the wives and stops the arguing to go deal with Torgo. Margaret wakes up wondering where Mike is, embracing Debbie. Wife1, Wife3, and Wife6 are still fighting with Wife2, Wife4, and Wife5 in the tomb. Margaret is startled when she sees Master staring at her through the window. Margaret, crying, holds Debbie in her arms when Mike knocks on the door telling her to open the door. Mike breaks in the bedroom door. The wives search for Mike, Margaret, and Debbie. The family makes a run for it. Margaret stumbles to the ground and tells Mike she cannot go on, and to take Debbie and run. Mike helps her up and they keep moving. Suddenly, Mike falls down a hill and Margaret and Debbie run to see if he is okay. Margaret suggests returning to the house and hiding there. Mike agrees with her. Suddenly they see a snake and Mike shoots it. Debbie complains about her dog. Mike tells her not now and the three of them head back to the house together. Man1 and Woman1 continue to kiss in their car on the side of the road. Margaret and Debbie have been captured and became new wives to Master. Woman2 and Woman3 find themselves at the house. Mike has replaced Torgo and greets Woman2 and Woman3 at the door. scene ,GT_sentiment, Q_sentiment1, Q_sentiment2, Q_sentiment3, Q_sentiment4, Q_sentiment5 18 ,sexual harassment, travel, fight, talking / conversation, greeting, dressing 36 ,escape, wandering around (strolling), travel, fight, road trip, religious service 35, argument/disagreement, talking / conversation, lost, religious service, flirting, arrest 15, taking care of kids, frightening experience, party, observing, escape, planning event