---QUESTION 1--- Number of paths: 149 Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim Shortest Paths(s): Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim Number of paths: 1416 Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Shortest Paths(s): Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef Number of paths: 530 Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Lives At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Friend Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Bullied By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Shortest Paths(s): Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi Number of paths: 880 Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Colleague Of -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Office -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Residence Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Takes Care Of -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Lives At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Works At -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Has Met -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Worked At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Carriage -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Has Met -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Stable -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Residence Of -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lives At -.-> Mansion -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Attends -.-> Theater1 -.-> Worked At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attended By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Lost Contact With -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Forest2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Owned By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Collaborates With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Works At -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> Train_Station -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Josef -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Taken Care Of By -.-> Prince_Leopold -.-> Bullies -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Engages With -.-> Horse -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Owns -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Residence Of -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Socialises At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> In Relationship With -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Engaged With By -.-> Doctor -.-> Engages With -.-> Inspector_Uhi -.-> Socialises At -.-> House2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Sophie -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Shortest Paths(s): Jurka -.-> Works At -.-> Town2 -.-> Socialised At By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Attends -.-> Theater2 -.-> Attended By -.-> Willigut Jurka -.-> Has Met -.-> Eisenheim -.-> Friend Of -.-> Willigut ---QUESTION 2--- Young_Eisenheim,Person Entity:Field,Socialises At Entity:House1,Lives At Entity:Town1,Socialises At Person:Young_Sophie,Friend Of Entity:Forest1,Socialises At Person:Travelling_Magician,Lost Contact With House2,Entity Person:Eisenheim,Residence Of Person:Sophie,Socialised At By Person:Inspector_Uhi,Socialised At By Train_Station,Entity Person:Eisenheim,Socialised At By Person:Sophie,Socialised At By Person:Inspector_Uhi,Socialised At By Person:Josef,Socialised At By Young_Sophie,Person Entity:Town1,Socialises At Entity:House1,Lives At Person:Young_Eisenheim,Friend Of Entity:Forest1,Socialises At Willigut,Person Entity:Town2,Socialises At Entity:Theater2,Attends Person:Eisenheim,Friend Of Jurka,Person Person:Inspector_Uhi,Colleague Of Entity:Office,Works At Entity:Forest2,Socialises At Entity:Town2,Works At Entity:Theater2,Attends Entity:Theater1,Attends Person:Sophie,Has Met Person:Eisenheim,Has Met Person:Doctor,Engaged With By ---QUESTION 3--- What is the relation / connection from Sophie to Forest2? Socialises At Works At Worked At By Owns Owned By Socialised At By What is the relation / connection from Josef to Eisenheim? Collaborates With Works At Worked At By Owns Owned By Socialises At What is the relation / connection from Sophie to Town2? Socialises At Works At Worked At By Owns Owned By Socialised At By What is the relation / connection from Sophie to Carriage? Socialises At Works At Worked At By Owns Owned By Socialised At By How many known children does Jurka have? 0 2 5 4 1 3 Where does Eisenheim work? Theater1 Theater2 Office Stable Town2 Town1 What is the relation / connection from Young_Eisenheim to Town1? Socialises At Works At Worked At By Owns Owned By Socialised At By What is the relation / connection from Theater1 to Prince_Leopold? Attended By Works At Worked At By Owns Owned By Socialises At What is the relation / connection from Jurka to Town2? Works At Worked At By Owns Owned By Socialises At Socialised At By Where does Jurka work? Office Town2 House2 Town1 Field Stable