#ifndef TR_VECH #define TR_VECH /* $Header: /home/smart/release/./src/h/tr_vec.h,v 10.1 91/11/05 23:47:35 smart Exp Locker: smart $*/ typedef struct { long did; /* document id */ long rank; /* Rank of this document */ char action; /* what action a user has taken with doc */ char rel; /* whether doc judged relevant(1) or not(0) */ char iter; /* Number of feedback runs for this query */ char trtup_unused; /* Presently unused field */ float sim; /* similarity of did to qid */ } TR_TUP; typedef struct { char *qid; /* query id */ long num_tr; /* Number of tuples for tr_vec */ TR_TUP *tr; /* tuples. Invariant: tr sorted increasing did */ } TR_VEC; #endif /* TR_VECH */