Alan Smeaton and Peter Wilkins at Dublin City University, with comments from other TRECVID participants, have created a set of questionnaires to be used by groups doing interactive search experiments - in order to begin collecting some comparable data about user characteristics and satisfaction. The following is the explanatory material they have provided.
Dear TRECVid 2004 Participants
This message applies to those of you doing the interactive search task.
Many thanks to those of you who gave feedback on our first version of the questionnaires and below are the links to the online questionnaires which we would like your interactive search users to complete. Please read the instructions below carefully.
There are three separate questionnaires as follows:
In order for us to be able to identify the returns from what user searched what topic and at what site, each site is given a unique URL for each questionnaire.
On each form the user is asked for a UserID which is something that you must assign to each interactive user at your own site. You can use the user's name, or a code, just so long as it is unique to each user at your site and the UserIds are used consistently at your site. For the Post-Topic Questionnaire (B) your user is also asked to select the particular topic from the set of 24 that they are replying to.
The URL for each questionnaire is a *combination* of a common pathname, plus your site name. So, for City University of Hong King, for example, the URLs are:
and for the MediaMill group the URLs are:
The list of site names and the mapping code appears below. They are
case-sensitive. If you are planning to do the interactive search task
and your sitename does not appear below then reply to me
When any of the forms is submitted data is gathered into a database
but of course each of us will want to play with the forms first before
our search sessions, and even afterwards we may inadvertently submit
entries via the forms. In order to allow us to distinguish real
captured data from trials with the forms, when each form is submitted
it generates a web page with a unique code number WHICH SHOULD BE
RETAINED BY YOU FOR REFERENCE. After your search sessions are
complete you can let us know which are the valid codes and we can
delete the rogues leaving just the clean data which we will make
available. The codes are contiguous which will help in gathering this
We have checked this form on a number of web browsers and found it
works OK. If you find a problem or an issue with any of the forms
that needs a fix then reply to me
Accenture Technology Labs: ATL
Bilkent Uni: Bilkent
City Uni Hong King: CUHK
CWI & Tweak: CWI
Deakin Uni: Deakin
FX Palo Alto: FX
Imperial College London: ICL
Dan Albertson: Dan
Joanneum Uni: Joanneum
MediaMill: MediaMill
National Taiwan Uni: NTU
National Uni Singapore: NUS
Purdue Uni: Purdue
Uni Arizona: Arizona
Uni Bremen: Bremen
Uni Central Florida: Florida
Uni Maryland: Maryland
Uni Mass. : UM
Uni North Carolina: UNC
MediaTeam: MediaTeam
Viper Team: Viper
updated: Wednesday, 08-Sep-2004 19:55:06 UTC
Date created:
Monday, 9-May-03
For further information contact