All participating groups are expected to provide a notebook paper. We must receive your notebook paper by the date given in the Guideline milestones or your paper will not appear in the notebook. In that case, you should bring 75 copies of the paper to the conference to hand out there .
In an effort to make it easier for the coordinators to construct overview talks and for everyone to get to the scholarly bottom line in the notebook papers we are asking that each such paper start with a structured abstract containing the following items as listed. Obviously each item will have to be very compact. This is information that would appear elsewhere anyway and will now be brought together in one place for easier reference:
Separately for EACH task:
Notebook papers must print on 8.5x11 inch paper and use no smaller than a 9pt font. Other formatting decisions are up to you. There is a page limit on notebook and proceedings papers: 10 pages for the first task, plus two additional pages per additional task (so if you do 3 tasks, you get a total of 14 pages.)
Notebook papers are considered drafts. The main point of the notebook version of a paper is to give other participants a written description of what runs you did for the conference itself. The proceedings paper will be due well after the conference, so there is time to do analysis of the official runs (those submitted to NIST) and to perform other supporting runs if necessary.
You submit a notebook paper by emailing a postscript or pdf file to Tzveta Ianeva (tianeva at Please make it clear in the subject what group you represent and that the paper is for TRECVID (as opposed to TREC).
Copyright Forms needed
NIST requires
that any group that will give a talk, a poster, or whose paper will
appear in the proceedings sign a copyright release form.
By Wednesday, 8 November, print out the copyright form, fill it in,
sign it, and fax it to:
Include a cover sheet the clearly indicates:
Lori Buckland, NIST
TRECVID 2006 Copyright Form
(include your name and organization)
The senior author at each institution can sign for other authors, but
if your group consists of multiple institutions, we need a signature
from each institution. If your legal department needs to review the
form, please start that process early.