The video_to_text (VTT) task testing dataset in 2019 consisted of the following: 1- Flickr - A set of 1010 videos from Flickr were used and can be downloaded after submitting the data agreeemnt form. The files names are the Video Ids and range from 1 - 1010. The agreement form can be found here: Please send the signed form to 2- Vines - A text file called Vines_URL_List. This file has 2 columns: the first column is the Id of the video, and the second column is the URL. - You will have to download all URLs to work on the task and submit results using the Video Ids. The Ids range from 1011 - 2054. 2- matching.ranking.files: - tv19.vtt.descriptions.A - tv19.vtt.descriptions.B - tv19.vtt.descriptions.C - tv19.vtt.descriptions.D - tv19.vtt.descriptions.E In each of the above files, the first column represents the Id of a text description, followed by the description. The task is to match the videos to their descriptions in each of the description files.