TRECVID 2025 Video Data Schedule Active Participants Attending TRECVID Workshop Contacts

TRECVID Workshop: Speaker Proposals

The workshop will include a paper session for each task, a poster/demo session, and various other discussions. Anyone may present a poster and/or a demo.

Since speaker time is limited, we'll ask anyone who wishes to be considered for a paper presentation to submit a speaker proposal by the deadline given in the online schedule. The coordinators will use these in making up the final workshop schedule.

At least the top three performed teams are expected to give oral talks explaining their systems and share their experiences with other teams.

A speaker proposal should consist of a short (under 500 words) abstract about your experiments in a given task. The abstracts should emphasize what experiments you did and what any interesting or unusual findings you came across rather than provide a general description of your system.

The proposals must be in pdf file and you should email the proposals (one per task) from your group to:

Please separate and clearly mark them by TASK and GROUP.
All proposals must include the name, email and affiliation of the speaker.

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
News magazine, science news, news reports, documentaries, educational programming, and archival video

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
TV Episodes

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
Airport Security Cameras & Activity Detection

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
Video collections from News, Sound & Vision, Internet Archive,
Social Media, BBC Eastenders