Ottawa, Canada (10:18) Query AltaVista -> max beerbohm "max beerbohm" caricaturist Top-10 seemed to point to caricatures rather than text info, specified query to be max beerbohm "max beerbohm" caricaturist caricature biography (10:24): lists that Beerbohm died "May 20 1956 in Rapallo, Italy)". Assume that's where he lived at the end of his life. Extend AltaVista query with -> rapallo portofino Find HotWired's Rough Guide page on the Italian Riviera di Levante region, this confirms that Beerbohm lived in Rapallo and that's close to Portofino. (10:31): AltaVista query: -> riviera di levante portofino rapallo After first results, restrict search to "English" documents :-( (10:34) seems to list only ferries that go the wrong way (10:38) return to AltaVista results for further browsing. No good results. (10:48) turn to Yahoo to browse/search with -> italy tourism genova or -> italy tourism portofino. No good results. Decide to abandon this rather frustrating search for now. (10:55)
Place: Dublin, Ireland Date: June 11th 1998 Time: 3:00pm (local time) Started search using Fusion Query: "Max Beerbohm" caricaturist Clicked on #2 "Max Beerbohm" Short bio page, does not state where he lived at the end of his life. Clicked on #7 "Brittannica Search: Beerbohm, Sir Max" Unable to read documents (subscription needed). Gave up.
Place: Aberdeen, Scotland Date: 12. June 1998 Time: 2:30PM (local time) searched through yahoo for Max Beerbohm. this turned up too many sites. gave up.
Iowa City, Iowa, USA 8 hours for 10 queries over 2 afternoons o For this query I'm adding the word Italy because I know that Portofino a town close to Genova. o Submit to Altavista the query: +Italy +Beerbohm +Max Portofino o The query retrieves a bunch of pages about art or book collections. The second hit has Max Beerbohm as title and seem to be his biography.( o Click on the second link. It is a biography of Max Beerbohm and it says that he died in Rapallo, Italy. o I also checked two other links. They also mention that he lived in Rapallo (except for the WWI years). o Conduct a new search with the query: +Beerbohm +Max +Rapallo house museum o This search returns 10 hits. o I did look for the Beerbohm's house in all these hits, but I didn't find that information, except for a page ( that has a strange story and part of the story says: "The girl came from Rapallo, which I told her was where Max Beerbohm lived for 40 years and asked if he was remembered. Of course he is. "The English milord. His house is still pointed out," she said, "to tourists." I can almost believe this. " o To address the second part of the question, I submitted the query: +rapallo +portofino +ferry o The first entry seems to be relevant. ( o This page has the departure times from Rapallo but there is no information of the time the ferry arrives from Portofino. o The 10th hit is the time table for ferries Regional connections. Click on this reference (, from here you click on the only pointer and get the ferries time table o From Monday to Friday you have to take the 4:00 p.m. ferry at Portofino that arrives to Rapallo at 4:30 p.m. Note about this search: When I was reconstructing the search to write this steps I found that I had used non capitals. I check that submitting the query "+Rapallo +Portofino +ferry" doesn't retrieve the same set of references. In fact, the page that is the most relevant, since is the only one that has the answer, is not retrieved when capitalized names are used.
Tokyo, Japan June 12nd, 1998 Local time By default, search on Altavista 1:30 PM Query : "max beerbohm" house information -> 1 minute clicked on 14 : 14. Max Beerbohm [URL:] information : dead May 20 1956 in Rapallo, Italy Query : Rapallo Italy ferry time -> 1 minute clicked on 1 : 1. Ferry Timetables - Rapallo/S.Fruttuoso [URL:] Result : arrive : 04:30 pm
Using a custom front-end tool AltaGCL Waterloo, 15 June 17:05 altagcl "max beerbohm" and "died" ... too much junk altagcl beebohm lived ferry portofino ... got the name rapallo altagcl rapallo portofino ferry schedule ... no luck altagcl rapallo protofino ferry .. Bingo! Total time: 9 minutes
Waterloo, Canada Using a custom front-end tool AltaGCL June 15, 11:28am query: "max beerbohm" query: "max beerbohm" and died info: We know that he died in 1956, let's try to use that. query: "max beerbohm" and "1956" query: "max beerboh" and "1956" and "died" This is too general and vague. Let's use the fact that Portofino is in Italy to maybe do better. query: "max beerbohm" and "caricat*" and "italy" info: He died in rapallo, italy query: "ferry" and "portofino" and "rapallo" answer: which gives us two answers, either 12:30am or 4:30pm time: 20 minutes
At a university in Glasgow, Scotland I needed to know who this guy was and were he died so: search Altavista with MaxBeerbohm, found : saying that the place he died was Rapallo, Italy from the Encyclopedia Britanica, Micropedia 1988 edition Beerbohm, Sir Max article. search yahoo with "traghetti Portofino" (traghetti is ferries in Italian) Answer: the last ferry during winter time will get to Rapallo at: 16.30 during summer time the timetable is the same as for Sundays so the last ferry will take you there by: 17.30
Australia Using a query re-formulation tool, the Hyperindex Browser (HiB) o HiB + AltaVista - all failed o "portofino" o "portofino ferries" as refinement o "beerbohm" -> "max beerbohn" eventually I find that there may be a link between Rapallo and Beerbohn after much looking around through document summaries and the ferries and hotels and tourist sites for Portofino o "rapallo", beam down and change query to "title:rapallo and beerbohn", then change it to "rapallo and beerbohn" last title is " HotWired: Rough Guide - Italy" which sends us to where we finally find that, yes, Rapallo *is* the place he lived. The question is ambiguous though: the first part makes me think I am after a house name, the second part makes it look like only the town name is required... I looked a bit but cannot find a house name or address except that "it is still pointed out to tourists":
Place : Nacsis. Tokyo Japan Date : June 18, 1998 Time : 4:00PM (Japan Time) Started search on Netscape Navigator Query : Max Beerbohm Clicked on #1 "Max Beerbohm" Clicked on #3 "Max Beerbohm" I can't find the address of his last house. Back Finish Time : 4:30PM
At a university in Toronto, Canada Metacrawler query: Max Beerbohm house Nothing looks interesting. Metacrawler query: Beerbohm Portofino No results. Altavista query: "Max Beerbohm" Clicking on #2: "Max Beerbohm" ( A brief biography. No mention of the place he died. Clicking on #10: "1890s links: Max Beerbohm" ( Another short biography. Nothing useful. Altavista query: +"Max Beerbohm" +house +died Nothing looks good. Altavista query: +"Max Beerbohm" +house Still nothing. I need a really good biography. Altavista query: "Max Beerbohm" biography Clicking on #1: Max Beerbohm: An Overview ( "Biography" link broken. Clicking on #21: Tate Gallery WWW: Sir Max Beerbohm ( Lots of examples of his work. No biography. Clicking on #6: Max Beerbohm ( I visited this site earlier. This time I'll look around more carefully. Clicking on "Victorian Web" link ( Clicking on "Search the Victorian Web". Searched on "Beerbohm". Clicking on #4: "Contents Page for Beerbohm's Rossetti and His Circle" Clicking on "Note [Beerbohm's Introduction]" At the end of the note: M. B. Rapallo, 1922. Maybe he lived and died at Rapallo. Altavista query: +Rapallo +Beerbohm Clicking on #6: "Cartoon Art News, Spring 1998". ( Searching page for "Rapallo". While still in his early Thirties, Max retired to Rapallo in Italy, where he remained, except for the war years, until his death in 1956. Altavista query: +Rapallo +Portofino +ferry Clicking on #1: "Italy by the Net: Tigullio - Ferries" ( Irritating. It lists times for Rapallo departures, but not for Portofino departures. According to this page "for the returning time you must ask to the ticket office, or call (0185)-284670."
At another university in Glasgow, Scotland Started search on Altavista to find out where Beerbohm lived. Notice I put italy, since I know that Portofino is in Italy. Query: Max +Beerbohm house italy Visited: first document in the ranking which says that he died in Rapallo, Italy. Back to Altavista to find out the ferry timetable from Portofino to Rapallo; Query: +Portofino +Rapallo +ferry weekdays Visited:, 1 st document in the list. The information I am looking for is there, but not clearly (i.e. I am not sure it can be done). I will look for further info. Visited, 2nd on the list. The documents is not good; it only reports info about hotels. Visted , 9th in the list. Not good since it only reports info about travelling with your own boat. I decide to reformulate the query. I will use the term Liguria, the region where both Rapallo and Portofino are located. I go to Altavista and formulate query. Query: +Liguria +ferry Visited: 1st document in the list. Clicked on timetable and, BANG, found required info at:
Elsewhere in Ottawa, Canada, using AltaVista ... ANSWER: Rapallo 9:30pm in the summers Queries: 7 Links: 23 Time: 8 minutes ---------------------------------------------------- Query: beerbohm caricat* ferry Portofino english "Max Beerbohm" Followed: Only his life at oxford. ---------------------------------------------------- Query: house born first +beerbohm caricat* ferry Portofino english "Max Beerbohm" Followed: Followed: Died in Rapallo, Italy ---------------------------------------------------- Query: +ferry Portofino Where can I go by Ferry from Portofino? Rapallo, S. Margherita, San Fruttuoso Last ferry: 9:30, 9:45 ---------------------------------------------------- Query: +beerbohm Rapallo Margherita Fruttuoso Followed: Lived in Rapallo
France [I am confused by the question, it seems that these are two questions in one. Anyway, I am looking for a place and then for a ferry connection to this place.] Metacrawler: [full question text] --> NO results Metacrawler: house Max Beerbohm English caricaturist life --> 5 results. On first view nothing seems promising. I need to find out some biograghy info about Max: Metacrawler: Max Beerbohm biograghy --> 22 results. --> 7th Obviously a bibliography server. It even lists Max B., but the link to detailed info is broken. May there was just an old part of the server indexed. I try the base: A server appears which lets me search for Max Beerbohm. I get a brief summary of his biography and learn that he has lived most of his life in Rapallo, Italy. So I try.. Metacrawler: Max Beerbohm Rapallo --> 5 results. I find another biography (2nd: ), stating that he died in Rapallo. I try to approach him through Rapallo: I surf through various travel pages of infoseek and yahoo... I give up. So the answer to the first part is: I find his house in RAPALLO, Italy. Now the ferry: Metacrawler: rapallo portofino ferry --> 16 results --> 1st: Italy by the Net: Tigullio - Ferries Voila: The last ferry arrives at 5:00 pm on week days 9:30 pm from July 5th to August 29th (30 minutes)
Another Australian searcher... [10:15am Aus EST] Try an Altavista power search "Beerbohm," RANKED on "Max Beerbohm English caricaturist house home end ferry Portofino" On page 3 of results: -=> "30. Max Beerbohm" [from the synopsis, this looks like a bio page] Nothing. -=> "28. Max Beerbohm" Ah-ha: died in Rapallo, Italy. Try an Altavista power search "Rafallo and Portofino", RANKED on "ferry" Try an Altavista power search "Rapallo and Portofino", RANKED on "ferry" -=> "4. Italy by the Net: Tigullio - Ferries" Damn. Rapallo->Portofino times only. -=> 1. "EXPRESS 97 -- Travel Information" Nothing. Try an Excite Power search -=> "More like this" for "Liguria - Ferry Timetables - Regional connections" -=> "Liguria - Ferry Timetables - Regional connections" -=> "RAPALLO/S.MARGHERITA/PORTOFINO/S.FRUTTUOSO" Got it. 4:30pm on a Saturday, 5:30pm on a Sunday. [10:25am Aus EST]
Saarbrucken, Germany 22 June 1998, 19:20-21:20 p.m. Alta Vista: I want to find the house Max Beerbohm, the English caricaturist, lived in at the end of his life. If I take the last ferry on a weekday from Portofino, at what time does the ferry arrive at the town I'm trying to get to? -first result: (Max Beerbohm) does not contain therequired information Alta Vista: I want to find the +house +"Max Beerbohm" , the English caricaturist, lived in at the end of his life. If I take the last +ferry on a weekday from +Portofino, at what time does the ferry arrive at the town I'm trying to get to? +timetable - no results Alta Vista: I want to find the +house +"Max Beerbohm" , the English caricaturist, lived in at the end of his life. If I take the last +ferry on a weekday from +Portofino, at what time does the ferry arrive at the town I'm trying to get to? - one result: (Hotel Splendido) does not contain required information Alta Vista: I want to find the house +"Max Beerbohm" , the English caricaturist, lived in at the end of his life. If I take the last +ferry on a weekday from +Portofino, at what time does the ferry arrive at the town I'm trying to get to? - two results, first result is (HotWired rough guide Italy) Altavista: Portofino Rapallo ferry - third result: (Italy by the Net: Tigullio - Ferries) - follow the link "Rapallo, S.Margherita, Portofino (night trip)" contains only ferries in the opposite direction - back up and follow the link "Rapallo, S.Margherita, Portofino and San Fruttuoso" contains only ferries in the opposite direction, but some vague information how the ferries get back from Portofino to Rapallo - I conclude that the night ferry which arrives at 8:45 in Portofino goes back to Rapallo, and arrives in Rapallo before 9:30; it's even conceivable that the night ferry which arrives in Portofino at 10 pm goes back to Rapallo and arrives there before 10:45. I don't look for further pages to verify this conclusion