Ottawa, Canada (12:46) query Alta Vista -> denmark train leads me to somebody's link page: but his "great links" ("... if you are interested in trains. You can also find an interactive timetable that is updated every 3. minutes! Or plan your trip by train in Denmark.") has perished. Link collections are interesting navigation tools but tend to be unreliable. Other links from the AltaVista-results include ScanRail and EuRail passes - these sites contain no links to timetables. (12:50): the Banestyrelsen homepage appears to list only domestic trains. (12:54) Site Copenhagen Now mentions that the car ferry between Oslo and Copenhagen is operated by DFDS (and takes 16 hrs, but I treat this information to be too vague and it's for a *car* ferry). (12:56): issue query to AltaVista -> denmark train copenhagen oslo +dfds finds site Browse around for a while in the AltaVista results and find little interesting stuff except the name of the Danish railway company: DSB. Type and do find their homepage. (13:06) Follow link to Rejseplan, fill in their form for a trip from Kobenhavn to Oslo on a weekend day in July. Find answers: 9:02 for the trains that leave at 22:05 from Copenhagen, and 9:16 for the trains that leave at 12:29. Case closed (13:11).
Place: Dublin, Ireland Date: June 11th 1998 Time: 3:00pm (local time) Used Rail Europe site [] Takes 9 hours 20 minutes.
Place: Aberdeen, Scotland Date: 12. June 1998 Time: 2:30PM (local time) tried url address holiday page. clicked for more information on denmark. clicked on Copenhagan. could find nothing relevant. clicked on transportation. could find nothing relevant.
Iowa City, Iowa, USA 8 hours for 10 queries over 2 afternoons The answer of this query is easy once you have solved the previous question. o go to and simply type the name of both cities. o The answer is 10 hours: From copenhagen to Oslo, one-way in either direction. First Class Second Class Hours Via $186.00 $116.00 10 Helsingborg-Goteborg-Kornsjo I also tried the following: o Search in Altavista with the following query: +Copenhagen +Oslo +train o The first two pages point to the timetable of Hamburg-Copenhagen-Gothenburg-Oslo trains ( o This table also shows that the time is about 9 and a half hours.
Tokyo, Japan June 12nd, 1998 Local time By default, search on Altavista 5:00 pm (I am french !!) go to : voyage, horaires, prix, services horaires et prix Result : 9h02min (departure 22:05, arrive 07:07)
Using a custom front-end tool AltaGCL Waterloo, 15 June 17:31 altagcl copenhagen olso train hours -- nope "copenhagen" and "oslo" and ("timetable" or "schedule" or "depart*") -- air and stuff, then stalled. "copenhagen" and "oslo" and "train" and ("timetable" or "schedule" or "depart*") -- very slow copenhagen oslo train ... just tough it out ... but it doesn't say July, so I kept looking and found did a search for fares & schedules and got *exactly* what I wanted Average travel time 9 hours, 20 minutes Total time: 20 minutes
Waterloo, Canada Using a custom front-end tool AltaGCL June 16, 00:48am query: "oslo" and "copenhagen" and "travel time" First attempt to find the information here led to European railway sites with some language problems ... Went back and tried again to find a good source of information found: URL : follow the german railway information: follow a link for timetables fill in the form to travel july 4, 1998 (saturday) get 8:37 hours and 11:43 hours to Kobenhavn H time: 15 minutes
Using Fusion2 - a metasearch engine with marking of relevant documents and query expansion. Use Fusion2 with search copenhagen oslo train 28 URLs retrieved rank=1 is a train timetable for hamburg-copenhagen-gothenburg-oslo which is a personal page and it gives details dep 0729 arr 1652 dep 1229 arr 2145 dep 2203 arr 0707 so we can get the time taken from that. All trains are daily and EuroCity ... and have a meals trolly ! Bingo, in 4 minutes.
At a university in Glasgow, Scotland using the same page as in previous search and typing the new query: 998&submit.x=66&submit.y=9, asking for the timetable formCopehagen to Oslo on a weekend in July: Schedules effective 5/24/1998 until 9/26/1998. Fares shown are per person, one way and valid from 1/1/1998 to 12/31/1998. Routing 1: direct From KOEBENHAVN To OSLO S First class fare $191.00 Second class fare $121.00 Average travel time 9 hours, 20 minutes Distance 666 km / 416 miles Answer: 666 km / 416 miles
Australia Using a query re-formulation tool, the Hyperindex Browser (HiB) o HiB using AltaVista - "copenhagen oslo" - nothing o HiB using AltaVista - "copenhagen train" - nothing o HiB using AltaVista - "copenhagen railway" - nothing o AltaVista directly "copenhagen oslo train" - nothing o Excite directly "copenhagen oslo train". First item "Timetable for Hamburg - Copenhagen - Gothenborg - Oslo" Everyday (including weekends) the train number 392 leaves Copenhagen for Oslo at 2205 and arrives at 0707. It is the shortest time as it is express for part of the way. There is no difference between weekend times, nor seemingly for July in particular.
At a university in Toronto, Canada Question #6 really helps with this. Going to Clicking on "Comprehensive European Train Schedules!". Clicking on "European Rail Schedules". Searching on... From: Kobenhavn (thanks, again, to the list of city name spellings) To: Oslo Date: 11.07.98 (a weekend in July) Time: 01:00 (the default) Duration of travel is 9:02 to 14:20 depending on the departure time. The scheduled time is generally under 10 hours.
At another university in Glasgow, Scotland Date: 09/06/98 Time: 11 AM (local time) Started search on Altavista Query: +copenhagen +oslo Clicked on #5 "Timetable for Hamburg-Copenhagen-Gothenborg-Oslo" ( Calculated journey time to be roughly 9 hours from "unofficial" info on page Decided to look for official timetables to confirm Clicked on "timetables overview" Clicked on "...official timetables. Click here for an overview." Clicked on "Please move to the comprehensive European railway server" ( Clicked on European railway servers DNK Clicked to move to new homepage ( Recognised form as similar to one available for rail travel in Scotland Entered date of travel as 040798, and starting and finishing stations in English Clicked on search button Checked revised starting and finishing stations (translated English -> Danish) Clicked on search button Journey time between 9 hrs 2 mins and 9 hrs 40 mins, depending on time of journey
Elsewhere in Ottawa, Canada, using AltaVista ... ANSWER: 9 hours and 20 minutes Queries: 0 Links: 1 Time: << 1 minute ----------------------------------------------------------------- First step: Knowing what I know from the last query, I may be able to use the same fill in form. Copenhagen to Oslo, July 11, 1998 in US dollars From KOEBENHAVN To OSLO S First class fare $191.00 Second class fare $121.00 Average travel time 9 hours, 20 minutes Distance 666 km / 416 miles 22:05 07:07 392-TRN Sleeper Fares Triple 2nd Cl $33.00 to $53.00 Sgl/Spl 1st Cl $75.00 to $142.00 Dbl 1st/2nd Cl $48.00 to $67.00
France This one should be easy since I know already a good source for European train schedules from the previous question: I fill in the form: VOILA: The response states: 9 hours 20 minutes average travel time The schedule states: 9 hours 2 minutes (1 minute)
Another Australian searcher... [9:30am, Aus. EST] Try an Altavista power search "train", ranked on "europe point to point timetable oslo copenhagen" -=> "1. Timetable for Hamburg - Copenhagen - Gothenborg - Oslo" Ooops. Only valid to May 23, 1998. But there is a link to the -=> NSB -=> "The Norwegian State Railways on the Web" Timing out! <=- <=- Anyway, during May, the daily trip left Copenhagen at 12:29, and arrived at Oslo at 2145, including the ferry hop. -=> "3. Hamburg Transportation" [Because Hamburg was listed as part of the above service] No good. The links point to the above site. Try an Excite search "train timetable Oslo Copenhagen" Item 1 is the above site; try "More like this" Nothing. Remember "" from previous search. Huh? only a link to/auto-refresh to! Try an Excite search "europe rail timetable train" -=> item 1. "Rail Schedules" nothing, at a quick glance [later inspection revealed there *was* a link to schedules] -=> item 2. "Rail Schedules" -=> "Online Schedule" [-=> redirected to new page] -=> "Search Connection" Forms interface: Enter Copenhagen/Oslo, 4.07.98 -=> "Search Connection" On Sat. 4th July, 1998, there appear to be two choices: a 9 hour, 40 minute trip, or a 9 hour, 16 minute trip. [9:45am Aus EST]
Saarbrucken, Germany 22 June 1998, 19:20-21:20 p.m. I check the German railways timetable: - there's a direct daytime train which takes 9:40 hrs, and a direct night train which takes 9:02 hrs. on Sat 4-July and Sun 5-July.
Somewhere in the state of Maryland, USA On a machine with only 8 megabytes of RAM Started 8:21 am Connected 8:22 On net: 8:23 Infoseek 8:24 Asked for: Trains from Copenhagen; brought up Railtrack - travel - dead end 8:27 Under Best Bets - hit Travel in Europe; nothing in first 20 8:28 Tried new search - Trains from Copenhagen to Oslo Hit: The Danish Links 8:31 Hit - Jubii- Danish search engine (only in Danish) 8:33 (Went to map to check on location of Oslo) 8:36 New Search - Scandinavian Train Travel Brought up Scanrail passes 8:39 Tried Railroad Index--URL not found New Search - Scandivanian railroad timetables Hit Ax Minguin-PX Timetable - Dead end airplanes 8:44 Hit Copenhagen Now - TELEPHONE No, for railroad station Advanced search didn't help 8:47 Went to Altavista Asked for Scandinavian Train Timetables Hit Realname - dead end Hit Scanrail Pass in Scandinavian - Route not listed 9:00 Hit Henrik's travel page - Got trains in Estonia 9:05 Tried-- Train travel from Copenhagen to Oslo Got Oslo Train Schedules 9:09 No. 1 - Alta Vista Oslo-Copenhagen 9:37 pm leaves 7:00 am arrives (you didn't specify whether or not it was a public holiday- schedules different) or 10:15 am leaves 8:18 pm arrives (approximately 10 hours) Checked further in first 30 in Altavista Tried Train travel '98 -- Sound of train whistles!!!!! Dead end 9:15 No. 59 in Altavista Timetable for Oslo-Copenhagen -- too complicated to read--no explanation code 9:20 Only have two hours a day on the Net--So quit after one. But fun, anyway