Package gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.trec.fbis

classes modeling IRF-based IR applications against the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) document collection in TREC-format


Interface Summary
FbisDocumentIntrf This interface is used to keep the FbisDocument and its proxy in sync.

Class Summary
FbisConversionRules This class models the rules needed to convert the TREC FBIS documents to Document objects after formatting by nsgmls
FbisConverter This class models a converter which produces proxy FBIS documents and the corresponding real FBIS documents based on the rules in FbisConversionRules.
FbisDocument A specialization of the TREC document to model a document from the TREC Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) collection.
FbisDocumentBrafBroker This class is a file-based broker for FbisDocument objects

FbisDocumentBrafHandle Handle for persistent FbisDocument objects
ProxyFbisDocument A stand-in for an FbisDocument

Package gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.trec.fbis Description

classes modeling IRF-based IR applications against the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) document collection in TREC-format