Guidelines for the TRECVID 2006 Evaluation
(last updated: Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007 13:50:56 EST)
0. Table of Contents:
The main goal of the TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation (TRECVID) is to
promote progress in content-based retrieval from digital video via
open, metrics-based evaluation.
2. Tasks:
TRECVID is a laboratory-style evaluation that attempts to model real
world situations or significant component tasks involved in such
situations. In 2006 TRECVID will complete a 2-year cycle on English,
Arabic, and Chinese news video. There will be three system
tasks and associated tests and one exploratory task. Participants must
complete at least one of the following 4 tasks in order to attend the workshop:
- shot boundary determination
- high-level feature extraction
- search (interactive, manually-assisted, and/or fully automatic)
- rushes exploitation (exploratory)
For past participants, here are some changes to note:
Although the amount of test data from sources used in 2006 will be as
large or larger than in 2005, there will be significant additional
data from channels and/or programs not included in the data for
2005. This is expected to provide interesting information on the
extent to which detectors generalize
Participants in the feature task will be required to submit results
for all features from the common annotation data for 2005 listed below. A subset of 20 of those will be chosen by
NIST and evaluated. This is intended to encourage generic methods for
development of detectors.
- Additional effort will be made to ensure that interactive search
runs come from experiments designed to allow comparison of runs within
a site independent of the main effect of the human in the loop. This
will be worked out with the participants before the guidelines are
- Following the VACE III goals, topics asking for video of events
will be much more frequent this year - exploring the limits of
one-keyframe-per-shot approaches for this kind of topic and encouraging
exploration beyond those limits.
- Most of the data will be distributed again on hard drives but at
the suggestion of LDC the file system will be ReiserFS to help
avoid the data corruption and access problems encountered in 2005
Shots are fundamental units of video, useful for higher-level
processing. The task is as follows: identify the shot boundaries with
their location and type (cut or gradual) in the given video
Various high-level semantic features, concepts such as "Indoor/Outdoor",
"People", "Speech" etc., occur frequently in video databases. The proposed
task will contribute to work on a benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of
detection methods for semantic concepts
The task is as follows: given the feature test collection, the common
shot boundary reference for the feature extraction test collection,
and the list of feature definitions (see below), participants will return for each feature
the list of at most 2000 shots from the test collection, ranked
according to the highest possibility of detecting the presence of the
feature. Each feature is assumed to be binary, i.e., it is either
present or absent in the given reference shot.
All feature detection submissions will be made available to all
participants for use in the search task - unless the submitter
explicitly asks NIST before submission not to do this.
Description of high-level features to be detected:
The descriptions are those used in the common annotation effort. They
are meant for humans, e.g., assessors/annotators creating truth data
and system developers attempting to automate feature detection. They
are not meant to indicate how automatic detection should be
If the feature is true for some frame (sequence) within the shot, then
it is true for the shot; and vice versa. This is a simplification
adopted for the benefits it affords in pooling of results and
approximating the basis for calculating recall.
NOTE: In the following, "contains x" is short for "contains x to a
degree sufficient for x to be recognizable as x to a human" . This
means among other things that unless explicitly stated, partial
visibility or audibility may suffice.
Selection of high-level features to be detected:
In 2006 participants in the high-level feature task must submit
results for all of the following features. NIST will then choose 10 of
the features and evaluate submissions for those. Use the following
numbers when submitting the features.
- Sports: Shots depicting any sport in action
- Entertainment: Shots depicting any entertainment segment in action
- Weather: Shots depicting any weather related news or bulletin
- Court: Shots of the interior of a court-room location
- Office: Shots of the interior of an office setting
- Meeting: Shots of a Meeting taking place indoors
- Studio: Shots of the studio setting including anchors, interviews and all events that happen in a news room
- Outdoor: Shots of Outdoor locations
- Building: Shots of an exterior of a building
- Desert: Shots with the desert in the background
- Vegetation: Shots depicting natural or artificial greenery, vegetation woods, etc.
- Mountain: Shots depicting a mountain or mountain range with the slopes visible
- Road: Shots depicting a road
- Sky: Shots depicting sky
- Snow: Shots depicting snow
- Urban: Shots depicting an urban or suburban setting
- Waterscape_Waterfront: Shots depicting a waterscape or waterfront
- Crowd: Shots depicting a crowd
- Face: Shots depicting a face
- Person: Shots depicting a person (the face may or may not be visible)
- Government-Leader: Shots of a person who is a governing leader, e.g., president, prime-minister, chancellor of the exchequer, etc.
- Corporate-Leader: Shots of a person who is a corporate leader, e.g., CEO, CFO, Managing Director, Media Manager, etc.
- Police_Security: Shots depicting law enforcement or private security agency personnel
- Military: Shots depicting the military personnel
- Prisoner: Shots depicting a captive person, e.g., imprisoned, behind bars, in jail or in handcuffs, etc.
- Animal: Shots depicting an animal, not counting a human as an animal
- Computer_TV-screen:Shots depicting a television or computer screen
- Flag-US: Shots depicting a US flag
- Airplane: Shots of an airplane
- Car: Shots of a car
- Bus: Shots of a bus
- Truck: Shots of a truck
- Boat_Ship: Shots of a boat or ship
- Walking_Running: Shots depicting a person walking or running
- People-Marching: Shots depicting many people marching as in a parade or a protes
- Explosion_Fire: Shots of an explosion or a fire
- Natural-Disaster: Shots depicting the happening or aftermath of a natural disaster such as earthquake, flood, hurricane, tornado, tsunami
- Maps: Shots depicting regional territory graphically as a geographical or political map
- Charts: Shots depicting any graphics that is artificially generated such as bar graphs, line charts, etc. (maps should not be included)
NOTE: NIST will instruct the assessors during the manual
evaluation of the feature task submissions as follows. The fact that a
segment contains video of physical objects representing the topic
target, such as photos, paintings, models, or toy versions of the
topic target, should NOT be grounds for judging the feature to be true
for the segment. Containing video of the target within video may be
grounds for doing so.
Search is high-level task which includes at least query-based
retrieval and browsing. The search task models that of an intelligence
analyst or analogous worker, who is looking for segments of video
containing persons, objects, events, locations, etc. of
interest. These persons, objects, etc may be peripheral or accidental
to the original subject of the video. The task is as follows: given
the search test collection, a multimedia statement of information need
(topic), and the common shot boundary reference for the search test
collection, return a ranked list of at most 1000 common reference
shots from the test collection, which best satisfy the need. Please
note the following restrictions for this task:
TRECVID 2006 will accept fully automatic search submissions (no human
input in the loop) as well as manually-assisted and interactive submissions as
illustrated graphically below
Because the choice of features and their combination for search is an
open research question, no attempt will be made to
restrict groups with respect to their use of features in
search. However, groups making manually-assisted runs should report their queries,
query features, and feature definitions.
- Every submitted run must contain a result set for each topic.
One baseline run will be required of every manually-assisted system as well
one for every automatic system
- A run based only on the text from the English ASR/MT output provided
by NIST and on the text of the topics.
In order to maximize comparability within and across participating
groups, all manually-assisted runs within any given site must be carried out by the
same person.
An interactive run will contain one result for each and every topic, each
such result using the same system variant. Each result for a topic can come
from only one searcher, but the same searcher does not need to be used
for all topics in a run. Here are some suggestions for interactive experiments.
The searcher should have no experience of the topics beyond the general world knowledge of an educated adult.
The search system cannot be trained, pre-configured, or otherwise tuned to the topics.
- The maximum total elapsed time limit for each topic (from the time
the searcher sees the topic until the time the final result set for
that topic is returned) in an interactive search run will be 15
minutes. For manually-assisted runs the manual effort (topic to query
translation) for any given topic will be limited to 15 minutes.
All groups submitting search runs must include the actual elapsed
time spent as defined in the videoSearchRunResult.dtd.
- Groups carrying out interactive runs should measure user
characteristics and satisfaction as well and report this with their
results, but they need not submit this information to NIST. Here is
some information about the questionnaires the Dublin City University team used in 2004 to collect search feedback and demographics from all groups doing
interactive searching. Something similar will be done again this year, with
details to be determined once participation is known.
In general, groups are reminded to use good experimental design
principles. These include among other things, randomizing the order
in which topics are searched for each run so as to balance learning
In general, groups are reminded to use good experimental design
principles. These include among other things, randomizing the order
in which topics are searched for each run so as to balance learning
Supplemental interactive search runs,i.e., runs which do not
contribute to the pools but are evaluated by NIST, will again be
allowed to enable groups to fill out an experimental design. Such runs
must not be mixed in the same submission file with non-supplemental
runs. This is the only sort of supplemental run that will be
Rushes are the raw material (extra video, B-rolls footage) used to
produce a video. 20 to 40 times as much material may be shot as
actually becomes part of the finished product. Rushes usually have
only natural sound. Actors are only sometimes present. So very little
if any information is encoded in speech. Rushes contain many frames or
sequences of frames that are highly repetitive, e.g., many takes of
the same scene redone due to errors (e.g. an actor gets his lines
wrong, a plane flies over, etc.), long segments in which the camera is
fixed on a given scene or barely moving,etc. A significant part of the
material might qualify as stock footage - reusable shots of people,
objects, events, locations, etc. Rushes may share some characteristics
with "ground reconnaissance" video.
Groups participating in this task will develop and demonstrate at
least a basic toolkit for support of exploratory search on highly
redundant rushes data. The toolkit should include the ability to
ingest video and subject it to whatever analysis your subsequent
toolkit activities will require. The toolkit need not be a complete,
polished, fully interactive product yet.
The minimal required goals of the toolkit are the ability to:
- remove/hide redundancy of as many kinds as possible (i.e.,
- organize/present non-redundant material according to at least 6
features. These features should be well-motivated from the point of
view of some user/task context and cannot all be of one type
(e.g. not all cinematographic or camera setting).
Here are some possible examples. We took some of the features that
MediaMill had some success in detecting in the 2005 BBC rushes using
models trained on broadcast news, some features noted as of interest
to DTO in the VACE III BAA section on ground reconnaissance data, and
some from the trecvid.rushes discussion.
- interview or not (note: interviews may appear as monologues)
- fixed camera or not
- indoor setting or not
- urban setting or not
- person present or not
- water body present or not
Groups may add addtional functionality as they are able.
Participants will be required to perform their own evaluation and
present the results. No standard keyframes or shot boundaries will be
provided as we would like to encourage innovation in approach.
The results of this exploratory task will provide input to planning
for future TRECVID workshops about the feasiblity of shifting to work
on unproduced video - both with respect to what systems can do and how
able we are to evaluate them. Both involve difficult research
A number of MPEG-1 datasets are available for use in TRECVID 2005. We
describe them here and then indicate below which data will be used for
development versus test for each task.
Television news from November 2004
The Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) collected the following
video material and secured rights for research use. Note that although
the amount of test data from sources used in 2006 will be as large or
larger than in 2005, there will be significant additional data from
channels and/or programs not included in the data for 2005. This is
expected to provide interesting information on the extent to which
detectors generalize.
TRECVID-use Lang Source Program Hours
tv5 tv6 Eng NBC NIGHTLYNEWS 9.0
tv5 tv6 Eng CNN LIVEFROM 14.5
tv6 Eng CNN COOPER 8.3
tv6 Eng MSN NEWSLIVE 14.5
------------------------------------------------------ 46.3
tv5 tv6 Chi CCTV4 DAILY_NEWS 9.2
------------------------------------------------------ 29.7
tv5 tv6 Ara LBC LBCNAHAR 35.3
tv5 tv6 Ara LBC LBCNEWS 39.5
tv6 Ara ALH HURRA_NEWS 7.8
------------------------------------------------------ 82.6
158.6 hours
(136,026,556,416 bytes)
Rushes exploitation
About 50 hours of rushes has been provided by the BBC
3.1 Development versus test data
Groups that participated in 2005 should already have the 2005 video
and common annotation on the 2005 development data as training data
and will not get a new copy. New participants may request a copy of
that data for training. It is expected that additional annotation of
the 2005 development data will be donated by the LSCOM workshop for a
set of 500 or more features on the 2005 development data, by the
MediaMill team at the University of Amsterdam for 101 features as part
of their larger proposal for donation of common discriminative
baseline, and by the Centre for Digital Video Processing at Dublin
City University for MPEG-7 XM features.
A random sample of about 7.5 hours will be removed from the 2006
television news data and the resulting data set used as shot boundary
test data. The remaining hours of television news will be used as the
test data for the search and high-level feature tasks. The
partitioning of the rushes will be decided as part of the rushes task
3.2 Data distribution
The shot boundary test data will be express shipped by NIST to
participants on DVDs (DVD+R).
Distribution of all other development data and the remaining test data will
be handled by LDC using 250GB loaner IDE drives using the ReiserFS.
These must be returned or purchased within 3 weeks of loading on
your system unless you have gotten approval for a delay from LDC in
advance. The only charge to participants for test data will be the
cost of shipping the drive(s) back to LDC. Please be sure to use a
shipper who allows you to track the drive until it reaches LDC and
your responsibility ends. More information about the
data will be provided on the TRECVID website starting in March as we
know more.
3.3 Ancillary data associated with the test data
Provided with the broadcast news test data (*.mpg) on the loaner drive will be
a number of other datasets.
Output of an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system
The automatic speech recognition output we expect to provided will be
the output of an off-the-shelf product but probably with no tuning to
the TRECVID data. LDC will run provide the ASR output. Any mention of
commercial products is for information only; it does not imply
recommendation or endorsement by NIST.
Output of a machine translation system (X->English)
The machine translation output we expect to provide will be the output
of an off-the-shelf product but probably with no tuning to the TRECVID
data. BBN will provide the MT (Chinese/Arabic -> English) output in
April.We will probably distribute this material by download if it does
not arrive in time to be included on the hardrives. Any mention of
commercial products is for information only; it does not imply
recommendation or endorsement by NIST.
Common shot boundary reference and keyframes:
Christian Petersohn at the Fraunhofer (Heinrich Hertz) Institute in
Berlin will once again provided the master shot reference. Please use
the following reference in your papers:
C. Petersohn. "Fraunhofer HHI at TRECVID 2004: Shot Boundary Detection System",
TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Online Proceedings, TRECVID, 2004
The Dublin City University team will again format the reference and
creating a common set of keyframes. Our thanks to both. The following
paragraphs describe the method used in 2005 and to be repeated with
the data for 2006.
To create the master list of shots, the video was segmented. The
results of this pass are called subshots. Because the master shot
reference is designed for use in manual assessment, a second pass over
the segmentation was made to create the master shots of at least 2
seconds in length. These master shots are the ones to be used in
submitting results for the feature and search tasks. In the second
pass, starting at the beginning of each file, the subshots were
aggregated, if necessary, until the currrent shot was at least 2
seconds in duration, at which point the aggregation began anew with the
next subshot.
The keyframes were selected by going to the middle frame of the shot
boundary, then parsing left and right of that frame to locate the
nearest I-Frame. This then became the keyframe and was extracted.
Keyframes have been provided at both the subshot (NRKF) and master
shot RKF) levels.
In a small number of cases (all of them subshots) there was no
I-Frame within the subshot boundaries. When this occured the middle
frame was selected. (one anomally, at the end of the first video in
the test collection, a subshot occurs outside a master shot.)
The emphasis in the common shot boundary reference will be on the
shots, not the transitions. The shots are contiguous. There are no
gaps between them. They do not overlap. The media time format is based
on the Gregorian day time (ISO 8601) norm. Fractions are defined by
counting pre-specified fractions of a second. In our case, the frame
rate will likely be 29.97. One fraction of a second is thus specified
as "PT1001N30000F".
The video id has the format of "XXX" and shot id "shotXXX_YYY". The
"XXX" is the sequence number of video onto which the video file name
is mapped, this will be listed in the "collection.xml" file. The "YYY"
is the sequence number of the shot. Keyframes are identified as by a
suffix "_RKF" for the main keyframe (one per shot) or "_NKRF" for
additional keyframes derived from subshots that were merged so that
shots have a minimum duration of 2 seconds.
The common shot boundary directory
will contain these file(type)s:
- shots2006 - a directory with one file of shot information for each
video file in the development/test collection
- xxx.mp7.xml - master shot list for video with id "xxx" in
- collection.xml - a list of the files in the collection
- README - info on the segmentation
- time.elements - info on the meaning/format of the MPEG-7 MediaTimePoint and MediaDuration elements
3.5 Restrictions on use of development and test data
Each participating group is responsible for adhering to the letter and
spirit of these rules, the intent of which is to make the TRECVID
evaluation realistic, fair and maximally informative about system
effectiveness as opposed to other confounding effects on
performance. Submissions, which in the judgment of the coordinators
and NIST do not comply, will not be accepted.
Test data
The test data shipped by LDC cannot be used for system development and
system developers should have no knowledge of it until after they have
submitted their results for evaluation to NIST. Depending on the size
of the team and tasks undertaken, this may mean isolating certain team
members from certain information or operations, freezing system
development early, etc.
Participants may use donated feature extraction output from the
test collection but incorporation of such features should be automatic
so that system development is not affected by knowledge of the
extracted features. Anyone doing searches must be isolated from
knowledge of that output.
Participants cannot use the knowledge that the test collection comes
from news video recorded during a known time period in the
development of their systems. This would be unrealistic.
Development data
The development data is intended for the participants' use in
developing their systems. It is up to the participants how the
development data is used, e.g., divided into training and validation
data, etc.
Other data sets created by LDC for earlier evaluations and derived
from the same original videos as the test data cannot be used in
developing systems for TRECVID 2006.
If participants use the output of an ASR/MT system, they must submit at
least one run using the English ASR/MT provided by NIST. They
are free to use the output of other ASR/MT systems in additional
Participants may use other development resources not excluded in these
guidelines. Such resources should be reported at the workshop. Note
that use of other resources will change the submission's status with
respect to system development type, which is described next.
In order to help isolate system development as
a factor in system performance each feature extraction task
submission, search task submission, or donation of extracted features
must declare its type:
- A - system trained only on common TRECVID development collection
data, the common annotation of such data, and any truth data created
at NIST for earlier topics and test data, which is publicly
available. For example, common annotation of 2003 and 2005 training data and
NIST's manually created truth data for 2003, 2004, and 2005 could in theory
be used to train type A systems in 2006. Allowed training data for
type A systems does NOT include the MediaMill baseline.
Since by design we have multiple annotators for most of the common
training data features but it is not at all clear how best to combine
those sources of evidence, it seems advisable to allow groups using
the common annotation to choose a subset and still qualify as using
type A training. This may be equivalent to adding new negative
judgments. However, no new positive judgments can be added.
- B - system trained only on common development collection but not
on (just) common annotation of it
- C - system is not of type A or B
In order to be eligible to receive the test data, you must have have
applied for participation in TRECVID, be acknowledged as an active
participant, have completed the relevant permission forms (from the
active participant's area) and faxed them (Attention: Lori Buckland)
in the US. Include a cover sheet with your fax that
identifies you, your organization, your email address, and the fact
that you are requesting the TRECVID 2005 and/or 2006 data.
4.1 Example types of video needs
I'm interested in video material containing:
a specific person
one or more instances of a category of people
a specific thing
one or more instances of a category of things
a specific event/activity
one or more instances of a category of events/activities
a specific location
one or more instances of a category of locations
combinations of the above
Topics may target commercials as well as news content.
4.2 Topics:
The topics, formatted multimedia statements of information need, will
be developed by NIST who will control their distribution. The topics
will express the need for video concerning people, things, events,
locations, etc. and combinations of the former. Candidate topics (text
only) will be created at NIST by examining a large subset of the test
collection videos without reference to the audio, looking for
candidate topic targets. Note: Following the VACE III goals,
topics asking for video of events will be much more frequent this year
- exploring the limits of one-keyframe-per-shot approaches for this
kind of topic and encouraging exploration beyond those
limits. Accepted topics will be enhanced with non-textual examples
from the Web if possible and from the development data if need be. The
goal is to create 24 topics.
* Note: The identification of any commercial product or trade name
does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the National Institute
of Standards and Technology
- Topics describe the information
need. They are input to systems and guide to humans assessing
relevance of system output
Topics are multimedia objects - subject to the nature of the need
and the questioner's choice of expression
As realistic in intent and expression as possible
Template for topic:
Brief textual description of the information need (this text may contain
references to the examples)
Examples* of what is wanted:
reference to video clip
- Optional brief textual clarification of the example's relation to the need
reference to image
- Optional brief textual clarification of the example's relation to the need
reference to audio
- Optional brief textual clarification of the example's relation to the need
* If possible, the examples will come from outside the test
data. They could be taken from various stable public domain
sources. If the example comes from the test collection, the text
description will be such that using a quotation from the test
collection is plausible, e.g., "I want to find all the OTHER shots
dealing with X." A search for a single shot cannot be described with
an example from the target shot.
Please note: Only submissions which are valid when checked against
the supplied DTDs will be accepted. You must check your
submission before submitting it. NIST reserves the right to reject any
submission which does not parse correctly against the provided
DTD(s). Various checkers exist, e.g., the one at Brown
University, Xerces-J,, etc.
The results of the evaluation will be made available to attendees at
the TRECVID workshop and will be published in the final proceedings
and/or on the TRECVID website within six months after the
workshop. All submissions will likewise be available to interested
researchers via the TRECVID website within six months of the workshop.
Participating groups may submit up to 10 runs. Please note required attributes
to accommodate complexity information (total decide time (secs), total segmentation
time(secs), and processor type) for each run are part of the submission DTD.
All runs will be evaluated.
- Here is the
DTD for the shot boundary detection results of one run, one for
enclosing shotBoundaryResults element and a
small, partial example. Please place the output of each run in a
separate file. You can tar/zip the (up to 10) run files together for
submission. Remember that each run much test one variant of your
system against all the test files. Please check your submission to see
that it is well-formed
Please send your submissions (up to 10 runs) in an email to
over at Indicate somewhere (e.g., in the subject
line) which group you are attached to so that we match you up with the
active participant's database.
Automatic comparison to human-annotated reference. Software for this comparison is available under Tools used by TRECVID from the main TRECVID page.
- Measures:
- All transitions:
for each file, precision and recall for
detection; for each run, the mean precision and recall per reference transition
across all files
Gradual transitions only: "frame-recall" and "frame precision" will be
calculated for each detected gradual reference transition. Averages
per detected gradual reference transition will be calculated for each
file and for each submitted run. Details
are available.
Each team may submit up to 6 runs for pooling. All runs must be
prioritized and all will be evaluated.
- For each feature in a run, participants will return at most
Here is a DTD for
feature extraction results of one run, one for results from multiple
runs, and a
small example of what a site would send to NIST for
evaluation. Please check your submission to see that it is well-formed
Please send your submission in an email to NIST (overATnistDOTgov).
Indicate somewhere (e.g., in the subject line) which group you are
attached to so that we match you up with the active participant's
database. Send all of your runs as one file or send each run as a file
but please do not break up your submission any more than that. Each
run must contain results for all features listed
The unit of testing and performance assessment will be the video shot
as defined by the track's common shot boundary reference. The
submitted ranked shot lists for the detection of each feature will be
judged manually as follows. We will take all shots down to some fixed
depth (in ranked order) from the submissions for a given feature -
using some fixed number of runs from each group in priority sequence
up to the median of the number of runs submitted by any group. We will
then merge the resulting lists and create a list of unique
shots. These will be judged manually down to some depth to be
determined by NIST based on available assessor time and number of
correct shots found. NIST will maxmize the number of shots judged
within practical limits. We will then evaluate each submission to its
full depth based on the results of assessing the merged subsets. This
process will be repeated for each feature.
If the feature is perceivable by the
assessor for some frame (sequence) however short or long then, then
we'll assess it as true; otherwise false. We'll rely on the complex
thresholds built into the human perceptual systems. Search and feature
extraction applications are likely - ultimately - to face the complex
judgment of a human with whatever variability is inherent in
Runs will be compared using precision and recall. Precision-recall
curves will be used as well as a new estimate for
average precision, which combines precision and recall:
inferred average precision (infAP).
The maximum number of search runs each participating group may submit
is 6. All runs must be prioritized and all will be evaluated.
Each interactive run will contain one result for each and every topic
using the system variant for that run. Each result for a topic can
come from only one searcher, but the same searcher does not need to be
used for all topics in a run. If a site has more than one searcher's
result for a given topic and system variant, it will be up to the site
to determine which searcher's result is included in the submitted
result. NIST will try to make provision for the evaluation of
supplemental results, i.e., ones NOT chosen for the submission
described above. Details on this will be available by the time the
topics are released.
For each topic in a run, participants will return the list of at most
1000 shots.
Here is a DTD for
search results of one run, one for results from multiple
runs, and a
small example of what a site would send to NIST for
evaluation. Please check your submission to see that it is well-formed
Please send your submission in an email to over at Indicate
somewhere (e.g., in the subject line) which group you are attached to
so that we match you up with the active participant's database. Send
all of your runs as one file or send each run as a file but please do
not break up your submission any more than that. Remember, a run will
contain results for all of the topics.
The unit of testing and performance assessment will be the video shot
as defined by the track's common shot boundary reference. The submitted
ranked lists of shots found relevant to a given topic will be judged
manually as follows. We will take all shots down to some fixed depth
(in ranked order) from the submissions for a given topic - using some
fixed number of runs from each group in priority sequence up to the
median of the number of runs submitted by any group. We will then
merge the resulting lists and create a list of unique shots. These
will be judged manually to some depth to be determined by NIST based
on available assessor time and number of correct shots found. NIST
will maximize the number of shots judged within practical limits. We
will then evaluate each submission to its full depth based on the
results of assessing the merged subsets. This process will be repeated
for each topic.
- Per-search measures:
- average precision (definition below)
- elapsed time (for all runs)
- Per-run measure:
mean average precision (MAP):
Non-interpolated average precision, corresponds to the area
under an ideal (non-interpolated) recall/precision curve. To compute
this average, a precision average for each topic is first calculated.
This is done by computing the precision after every retrieved relevant
shot and then averaging these precisions over the total number of
retrieved relevant/correct shots in the collection for that
topic/feature or the maximum allowed result set (whichever is
smaller). Average precision favors highly ranked relevant
documents. It allows comparison of different size result
sets. Submitting the maximum number of items per result set can never
lower the average precision for that submission. The topic averages
are combined (averaged) across all topics in the appropriate set
to create the non-interpolated mean average precision (MAP) for
that set. (See the TREC-10
Proceedings appendix on common evaluation measures for more
This is an exploratory task in 2005 and participants will perform
their own evaluations. There will be no submissions. Results should
be presented in the notebook paper and in a demonstration, poster,
or possibly a talk at the workshop.
The following are the target dates for 2006.
- 1. Feb
- NIST sends out Call for Participation in TRECVID 2006
- 20. Feb
- Applications for participation in TRECVID 2006 due at NIST
- 1 Mar
- Final versions of TRECVID 2005 papers due at NIST
- 15. Mar
- LDC begins shipping 2005 data to new participants for use in training
- 1. Apr
- BBC rushes proposal complete
Guidelines complete
- 18. Apr
- LDC begins shipping hard drives with 2006 data to all participants
- 25. Apr
- ASR/MT output for feature/search test data available for download
- 14. Jul
- Shot boundary test collection DVDs shipped by NIST
- 11. Aug
- Search topics available from TRECVID website.
- 15. Aug
- Shot boundary detection submissions due at NIST for evaluation.
- 21. Aug
- Feature extraction tasks submissions due at NIST for evaluation.
Feature extraction donations due at NIST
- 25. Aug
- Feature extraction donations available for active participants
- 25 Aug
- Results of shot boundary evaluations returned to participants
- 29. Aug - 13. Oct
- Search and feature assessment at NIST
- 19. Sep
- Results of feature extraction evaluations returned to participants
- 15. Sep
- Search task submissions due at NIST for evaluation
- 18. Oct
- Results of search evaluations returned to participants
- 23. Oct
- Speaker proposals due at NIST
- 29. Oct
- Notebook papers due at NIST
- 6. Nov
- Workshop registration closes
- 8. Nov
- Copyright forms due back at NIST (see Notebook papers for instructions)
- 13,14 Nov
- TRECVID Workshop at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD(Registration, agenda, etc)
- 30. Nov
- Workshop papers publicly available (slides added as they arrive)
- 1. Mar 2007
- Final versions of TRECVID 2006 papers due at NIST
Here is a list of work items that must be completed before the guidelines
are considered to be final and the responsible parties.
Rushes task defined/documented with real world correlate(s), system
task with inputs and outputs, training and test data, evaluation
procedure including measurement(s), and schedule. ANSWER: see above [Coordinators and interested
Source(s), formats, and delivery scheme for ASR and MT system output on
news test data. ANSWER: see above
Methods for assuring comparability of interactive search results within
a site despite human in the loop. ANSWER: This will be an on-going discussion
among those working on interactive systems.
[Coordinators and interactive search participants]
Maximum number of runs per site defined for feature and search tasks.
ANSWER: 6 per team for the search task and 6 per team for the high-level
feature task.
For future use ...
NIST contact:
Email lists:
- Information and discussion for active workshop participants
[email protected]
archive open to active participants only
NIST will subscribe the contact listed in your application to
participate when we have received it. Additional members of active
participant teams will be subscribed by NIST if they send email to
indicating they want to be subscribed, the
email address to use, their name, and providing the TRECVID 2005
active participant's password. Groups may combine the information
for multiple team members in one email.
Once subscribed, you can post to this list by sending you thoughts as
email to [email protected], where they will be sent out to everyone
subscribed to the list, i.e., the other active participants.
- General (annual) announcements about TRECVID (no discussion)
[email protected]
If you would like to subscribe, logon using the logon to which you
would like trecvid email to be reflected. Send email to
[email protected] and ask her to subscribe you to trecvid. This
list is used to notify interested parties about the call for
participation and broader issues. Postings will be infrequent.
updated: Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007 13:50:56 EST
Date created:
Monday, 24-Jan-06
For further information contact