Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.index

classes and interfaces that support indexes - dictionaries of indexing features by source document or document data element


Interface Summary
IndexIntrf This interface represents the functionality of a Index object.
ListPool Interface used by pools that contain multiple lists.

Class Summary
DualKeyContainer This class is the "heart" of the Index.
IdfIdxIntern This class extends IdxIntern to support indexes based around the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) term weighting measure.
IdfIndex A special Index dedicated to Inverse Document Frequencies instead of general data elements.
IdxIntern Base class for the internal representation of an Index.
Index Provides some basic index information and access to the index features.
IrfHashtable This class is a classic implementation of an hashtable class.
IrfHashtableEntry IrfHashtable entry.
IrfHashtableEnumerator A hashtable enumerator class.
KeyWordIdxIntern Extends the IdxIntern for KeyWord indexes.
KeyWordIndex Extends the Index for KeyWord indexes.
ProxyIdfIndex Extends the ProxyIndex for IDF indexes.
ProxyIndex This class represents a proxy for Index objects
ProxyKeyWordIndex Extends the ProxyIndex for KeyWord indexes.

Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.index Description

classes and interfaces that support indexes - dictionaries of indexing features by source document or document data element