Uses of Class

Packages that use HandlesByOid
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.irfman classes that provide high-level management of information retrieval application resources 
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy classes that model what is common to all proxies and their management. 

Uses of HandlesByOid in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.irfman

Fields in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.irfman declared as HandlesByOid
private  HandlesByOid InfoServer.handlesByOid
          Handles by Oid table

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.irfman that return HandlesByOid
 HandlesByOid InfoServer.getHandlesByOid()

Uses of HandlesByOid in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy

Subclasses of HandlesByOid in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy
 class AnySizeHandlesByOid
          The HandlesByOid table is responsible for keeping track of the handle of each persistent object by its object identifier (Oid).
 class OneSizeHandlesByOid
          This particular implementation of HandlesByOid assumes all handles take the same space when they are written to disk.

Fields in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy declared as HandlesByOid
protected static HandlesByOid VirtualProxy.handles
          The table of handles by Oid.