Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.feature

classes that model indexing features of various types


Class Summary
IdxFeatWordInString This particular IndexingFeature allows you to keep track of the positional information of a word within a String with the variable wordCount.
IdxFeatWordInText Container for elements of an Indexing Feature, the feature itself (a term, vector, label, etc.) and the source document that it was generated from.
IndexingFeature Container for elements of an Indexing Feature (IF): the feature itself (e.g., a term in a text document), the source document that it was generated from and the field within the source from which it was extracted.
ProxyIdxFeatWordInString Proxy class for Indexing Features referring to a word in a string.
ProxyIdxFeatWordInText Proxy class for Indexing Features referring to a word in a text.
ProxyIndexingFeature Proxy class for Indexing Features.

Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.feature Description

classes that model indexing features of various types