Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.irfman

classes that provide high-level management of information retrieval application resources


Class Summary
IndexerManager The IndexerManager manages the set of available indexers

The method for doing this in irf is as yet undetermined.
IndexerMatcherManager The IndexerMatcherManager manages information about available indexers and document-query matchers.
InfoServer The InfoServer is responsible for keeping track of available indexes, document collections, and indirectly of available indexers and query-document matchers.
IrfGlobal IrfGlobal is a single collection of globally known references to important information.
IrfManager Information Retrieval Manager

The IrfManager is a central, globally accessible control object through which document collections, indexes, and other information can be accessed.
MatcherManager The MatcherManager manages the set of available document-query matchers.

Package gov.nist.nlpir.irf.irfman Description

classes that provide high-level management of information retrieval application resources