Uses of Class

Packages that use Oid
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy classes that model what is common to all proxies and their management. 

Uses of Oid in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy

Fields in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy declared as Oid
protected  Oid VirtualProxy.objectIdentifier
          Unique identifier for persistent object

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy that return Oid
 Oid VirtualProxy.getObjectIdentifier()
          Gets this proxy's Oid
static Oid Oid.getNextOid()
          Gets the next Oid.
static Oid Oid.readFrom(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          Reads the external representation of this object in the given file beginning where its pointer currently is.

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy with parameters of type Oid
(package private)  void VirtualProxy.setObjectIdentifier(Oid objectIdentifier)
static VirtualProxy VirtualProxy.getProxyFor(java.lang.Class proxyClass, Oid objectIdentifier)
          If there is already a proxy with the specified Oid, then return it after recording another reference to said proxy.
 void HandlesByOid.addHandleByOid(Oid oid, Handle handle)
          Adds a handle to the table of handles by Oid
protected abstract  void HandlesByOid.writeHandleForOid(Oid oid, Handle handle)
          Associates the given Handle to the given Oid in the file pointed by handlesByOidDataFile.
 void HandlesByOid.replaceHandleByOid(Oid oid, Handle newHandle)
          Replaces the entry in table of handles by Oid for the specified Oid with a new one using the same Oid the new handle passed.
 Handle HandlesByOid.getHandleByOid(Oid oid)
          Gets a handle from the table of handles by Oid
protected abstract  Handle HandlesByOid.readHandleForOid(Oid oid)
          Reads the handle from the disk.
protected  void AnySizeHandlesByOid.writeHandleForOid(Oid oid, Handle handle)
          Writes the given Handle in the data file, and keeps track of its starting offset in the index file.
protected  Handle AnySizeHandlesByOid.readHandleForOid(Oid oid)
          Reads a Handle back in memory from disk.
protected  void OneSizeHandlesByOid.writeHandleForOid(Oid oid, Handle handle)
          Directly writes the handle at the correct offset in the data file.
protected  Handle OneSizeHandlesByOid.readHandleForOid(Oid oid)
          Reads the Handle back from the data file.