Uses of Class

Packages that use BufferedRandomAccessFile
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.handle classes that model information needed by brokers to access the objects they manage 
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.index.braf classes and interfaces that support indexes implemented using buffered random access files 
gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy classes that model what is common to all proxies and their management. 
gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.hci classes supporting the IRF-based HCI application: text IR against a collection of TROFF-formatted abstracts of HCI articles. 
gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.trec.fbis classes modeling IRF-based IR applications against the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) document collection in TREC-format 

Uses of BufferedRandomAccessFile in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.handle

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.handle with parameters of type BufferedRandomAccessFile
abstract  void Handle.writeExt(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Writes an external representation of this object to a file
abstract  boolean Handle.replaceExt(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Replaces the existing handle in the given file if it is possible at this place.
abstract  void Handle.readExt(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)

Uses of BufferedRandomAccessFile in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.index.braf

Fields in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.index.braf declared as BufferedRandomAccessFile
(package private)  BufferedRandomAccessFile LinkedListPool.poolFile
          The file in which every feature list will be stored.

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.index.braf with parameters of type BufferedRandomAccessFile
 void IoAddrIntern.writeTo(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Tuned serialization mechanism.
static IoAddrIntern IoAddrIntern.readFrom(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          Tuned deserialization mechanism.
 void HashBlock.writeTo(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Writes this block to the file given in parameter.
static HashBlock HashBlock.readFrom(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          Reads a HashBlock back from the file it was previously written with writeTo().
 void DeIntern.writeTo(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Dematerializing method for the tuned serialization scheme used mainly by HashBlock.
static DeIntern DeIntern.readFrom(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          The symmetric method of writeTo().

Constructors in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.index.braf with parameters of type BufferedRandomAccessFile
IoAddrIntern.IoAddrIntern(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          This constructor is only called by readFrom().
DeIntern.DeIntern(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          This constructor is only used for persistence reasons.

Uses of BufferedRandomAccessFile in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy

Fields in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy declared as BufferedRandomAccessFile
protected static BufferedRandomAccessFile HandlesByOid.handlesByOidDataFile
          The file used to keep track of handles by Oid.
private static BufferedRandomAccessFile AnySizeHandlesByOid.handlesByOidIndexFile
          The file used to keep track of handles by Oid.

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irf.proxy with parameters of type BufferedRandomAccessFile
 void VirtualProxy.readExternal(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          Reads external representation of this object
 void VirtualProxy.writeExternal(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Writes external representation of this object
static Oid Oid.readFrom(BufferedRandomAccessFile in)
          Reads the external representation of this object in the given file beginning where its pointer currently is.
 void Oid.writeTo(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Writes external representation of this object
static void Oid.writeNullOid(BufferedRandomAccessFile out)
          Writes a null Oid to file This method is called by Oid clients when a optional Proxy they contain isn't present and thus doesn't have an Oid.
static void PersistentObjectManager.writeProxy(VirtualProxy theProxy, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Writes the given proxy in the given file.
static VirtualProxy PersistentObjectManager.buildProxy(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Builds the proxy found in the given file at its current file pointer.
static void PersistentObjectManager.reflectiveWriteHandle(Handle theHandle, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Writes the given handle in the given file where the file pointer is currently.
static Handle PersistentObjectManager.reflectiveBuildHandle(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Builds the handle which is supposed to be found in the given file at its current file pointer.
static void PersistentObjectManager.writeDE(ProxyDataElem theProxy, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Writes the given proxy in the given file.
static void PersistentObjectManager.writeDoc(ProxyDocument theProxy, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Writes the given proxy in the given file.
static ProxyDataElem PersistentObjectManager.buildDE(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Returns a Proxy Data Element of the type associated with the value in the byte[] passed
static ProxyDocument PersistentObjectManager.buildDoc(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Builds a proxy IR document from serialized data in the specified file
static Handle PersistentObjectManager.buildHandle(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
static void PersistentObjectManager.writeHandle(Handle handle, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
static ProxyIndexingFeature PersistentObjectManager.buildIF(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          This method builds an IndexingFeature from the BufferedRandomAccessFile used.
static void PersistentObjectManager.writeIF(ProxyIndexingFeature theProxy, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Writes the given proxy in the given file.

Uses of BufferedRandomAccessFile in gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.hci

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.hci with parameters of type BufferedRandomAccessFile
 void HciDocBrafBroker.writeObject(java.lang.Object obj, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Overrides the default writeObject with tailored code
 java.lang.Object HciDocBrafBroker.readObject(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Overrides the default readObject with tailored code

Uses of BufferedRandomAccessFile in gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.trec.fbis

Methods in gov.nist.nlpir.irfapps.trec.fbis with parameters of type BufferedRandomAccessFile
 void FbisDocumentBrafBroker.writeObject(java.lang.Object obj, BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Overrides the default writeObject with tailored code
 java.lang.Object FbisDocumentBrafBroker.readObject(BufferedRandomAccessFile braf)
          Overrides the default readObject with tailored code