TRECVID Contact Citations Task Proposals ActEV Sequestered Data Leaderboard

External resources list based on suggestions from TRECVID participants

NOTE: Any mention of commercial products within NIST web pages is for information only; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST.

Please email TRECVID with suggestions for additional resources.

Short name Scope URL As of
FFMPEG Basic Image and Video Processing URL 11.12.14
KNIME Visualisation, Rapid Prototyping, Workflow Generation URL 11.12.14
OpenCV Image Processing, Machine Learning URL 11.12.14
openSMILE Audio Feature Extraction URL 11.12.14
PostgreSQL Database for large data collections URL 11.12.14
Python Image Library/Pillow Rapid Prototyping, Image Processing URL 11.12.14
Scilab Visualisation, Rapid Prototyping, High-level mathematics URL 11.12.14
VLFEAT Feature extraction like SIFT, and MSER URL 11.12.14
WEKA Data Mining, Machine Learning URL 11.12.14
Zero-Example Video Search open source baseline system URL 06.06.17
Docker image tools for development To support INS task using Docker images to simplify development of algorithms
Contact the author Robert Manthey if you have questions
URL 03.05.18
Frame-level CNN features for IACC.3 dataset Applied at 2018 for the Ad-hoc Video Search (AVS) task by the RUCMM team (best runs)
Contact the author Xirong Li if you have questions
URL 11.09.18
Code and model for "Peeking into the Future: Predicting Future Person Activities and Locations in Videos", Liang et al, CVPR 2019 End-to-End neural network model that deciphers human behaviors to predict their future paths/trajectories and their future activities jointly from videos
Contact the author Junwei Liang if you have questions
URL 12.03.19
Out-of-the-box code and models for CMU's object detection and tracking system for surveillance videos. Tensorflow based Used in the winning entry on the ActEV leaderboard (INF/MUDSML)
Contact the author Junwei Liang if you have questions
URL 12.03.19
W2VV++ model A fully deep learning solution for ad-hoc video search
Contact the author Xirong Li if you have questions
URL 12.09.19
V3C1 Dataset Analysis Analysis data of the Vimeo Creative Commons Collection (V3C1) dataset
Contact the authors Klaus Schoeffmann and Luca Rossetto if you have questions
URL 12.30.19
V3C2 Dataset Analysis Analysis data of the Vimeo Creative Commons Collection (V3C2) dataset
Contact the authors Klaus Schoeffmann and Luca Rossetto if you have questions
URL 1.4.22
V3C1 & V3C2 ASR Vimeo Creative Commons Collection (V3C) Whisper Transcripts
Contact the author Luca Rossetto if you have questions
SOMHunter video search and retrieval engine
Contact the author Miroslav Kratochvíl if you have questions
URL 1.4.22
vitrivr video search and retrieval engine
Contact the author Luca Rossetto if you have questions
URL 1.4.22
Events Zero Shot Classification EURECOM approach for the TRECVID VSUM 2021 task
Contact the authors Raphael Troncy, and Alison Reboud if you have questions
URL 1.7.22
V3C1-Pseudo-Caption (V3C1-PC) auto-generated video description dataset
Contact the authors Xirong Li if you have questions
URL 3.1.23
CLIP and BLIP-2 features (AVS queries) The query and frame-level clip features of both CLIP and BLIP2 models on IACC.3, V3C1, V3C2 and all the AVS queries
Contact the authors WU Jiaxin if you have questions
URL 11.15.23
Improved-ITV (AVS queries) The official implementation of the paper (PolySmart Team): Improving Interpretable Embeddings for Ad-hoc Video Search with Generative Captions and Multi-word Concept Bank accepted in ICMR2024
Contact the authors WU Jiaxin if you have questions
URL 11.24.24

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
News magazine, science news, news reports, documentaries, educational programming, and archival video

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
TV Episodes

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
Airport Security Cameras & Activity Detection

Digital Video Retrieval at NIST
Video collections from News, Sound & Vision, Internet Archive,
Social Media, BBC Eastenders