2019 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation
Notebook Papers and Slides

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TRECVID 2019 Overview Papers and Slides

All papers and slides will be updated with final versions as they arrive

Paper: TRECVID 2019: An evaluation campaign to benchmark Video Activity Detection, Video Captioning and Matching, and Video Search & retrieval (.pdf)
G. Awad, A. Butt, K. Curtis, Y. Lee, J. Fiscus, A. Godil, A. Delgado, J. Zhang, E. Godard, L. Diduch -- Information Access Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
A. F. Smeaton, Y. Graham, -- Dublin City University, Ireland
W. Kraaij -- Leiden University; TNO, Netherlands
G. Quénot -- Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France

Slides: TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation (TRECVID) Introduction (.pdf)
I. Soboroff, K. Curtis, A. Ellis, D. Dimmick, J. Fiscus, Y. Lee, A. godil, A. Delgado, J. Zhang, E. Godard, L. Diduch -- National Institute of Standards and Technology
G. Awad -- NIST; Georgetown University.
A. Butt -- NIST; John Hopkins University
A. Smeaton, Y. Graham -- Dublin City University
W. Kraaij -- Leiden University; TNO
G. Quénot -- Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
S. Strassel, X. Li -- Linguistic Data Consortium

Slides: TRECVID 2019 Ad-hoc Video Search Task (.pdf)
G. Quénot -- Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
G. Awad -- NIST; Georgetown University

Slides: TRECVID 2019 Instance Search Task (.pdf)
W. Kraaij -- Leiden University;TNO
G. Awad -- NIST; Georgetown University
K. Curtis -- NIST

Slides:TRECVID 2019 Video to Text Description (.pdf)
A. Butt -- NIST; John Hopkins University
G. Awad -- NIST; Georgetown University
Y. Graham -- Dublin City University

Slides: ActEV19: Activities in Extended Video (.pdf)
Y. Lee, A. Godil, J. Fiscus, A. Delgado, L. Diduch, M. Hubert, E. Godard, J. Golden, J. Zhang -- National Institute of Standards and Technology

  • Alibaba Group
    X. Wu, D. Chen, Y. He, H. Xue, M. Song, F. Mao -- Alibaba Group, China

  • Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    Paper: BUPT-MCPRL at TRECVID 2019: ActEV and INS (.pdf)
    Y. Li, G. Chen, X. Cheng, C. Chen, S. Xu, X. Li, X. Xiang, Y. Zhao, Z. Zhao, F. Su -- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

    Slides: BUPT-MCPRL at TRECVID 2019 (.pdf)
    G. Chen, C. Chen, X. Li, X. Xiang, Z. Zhao, Y. Zhao, F. Su -- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT-MCPRL)

    Paper: EURECOM at TRECVid AVS 2019 (.pdf)
    D. Francis, B. Huet -- EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France
    P. A. Nguyen, C. Ngo -- City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • Florida International University; University of Miami TRECVID 2019
    Paper: Florida International University - University ofMiami TRECVID 2019 (.pdf)
    Y. Tao, Y. Tu, Y. Chen, M. Shyu -- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Miami, USA
    T. Wang, D. Machado, R. Garcia, M. P. Reyes, H. Tian, S. Chen -- Florida International University, USA

    Slides: Florida International University - University ofMiami TRECVID 2019 (.pdf)
    Y. Tao, Y. Tu, Y. Chen, M. Shyu -- University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA
    T. Wang, D. Machado, R. Garcia, M. P. Reyes, H. Tian, S. Chen -- Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA

  • Fudan University
    Paper: FDU Participation in TRECVID 2019 VTT Task(.pdf)
    S. Chen, Y. Jiang -- Fudan University; Shanghai Insitute of Intelligent Electronics & Systems

  • University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology
    Paper: University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID ActEv 2019(.pdf)
    Paper: University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID Instance Search 2019(.pdf)
    R. Thomanek, C. Roschke, B. Platte, T. Rolletschke, M. Heinzig, M. Vodel, F. Zimmer, M. Ritter -- University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany
    T. Schlosser, D. Kowerko, M. Eibl -- Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany

    Slides: INSTANT SEARCH - HSMW_TUC Team TRECVID 2019(.pdf)
    T Rolletschke - University of Applied Science Mittweida
    Slides: ActEV - HSMW_TUC Team TRECVID 2019(.pdf)
    T Rolletschke - University of Applied Science Mittweida

  • University of Chile; Millennium Institute Foundational Research on Data (IMFD)
    Paper: IMFD IMPRESEE at TRECVID 2019: Ad-Hoc Video Search and Video To Text(.pdf)
    R. Hernandez, J. Perez-Martin N. Bravo, J. M. Barrios, B. Bustos -- University of Chile

  • Shandong Normal University; Carnegie Mellon University; Monash University
    Paper: Inf@TRECVID 2019: Instance Search Task(.pdf)
    E. Yu, J. Sun -- Shandong Normal University
    W. Liu, G. Kang, A. Hauptmann -- Carnegie Mellon University
    X. Chang -- Monash University

  • Dublin City University
    L. Lebron, K. McGuinness, N. E. O'Connor -- Insight@DCU, Dublin City University

  • Information Technologies Institute/Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
    Paper: ITI-CERTH participation in TRECVID 2019(.pdf)
    K. Gkountakos, K. Ioannidis, S. Vrochidis, I. Kompatsiaris -- Information Technologies Institute/Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

  • Kindai University and Kobe University
    Paper: Kindai University and Kobe University at TRECVID 2019 AVS Task(.pdf)
    K. Shirahama, D. Sakurai -- Department of Informatics, Kindai University
    T. Matsubara, K. Uehara -- Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University

    Poster: Kindai University and Kobe University at TRECVID 2019 AVS Task(.pdf)
    K. Shirahama, D. Sakurai -- Department of Informatics, Kindai University
    T. Matsubara, K. Uehara -- Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University

  • Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka
    Paper: An Automatic Caption Generation for video clip with reducing frames in order to shorten processing time(.pdf)
    R. Kondo, T. Yukawa -- Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan

  • Monash University and Carnegie Mellon University
    Paper: MMVG-INF-Etrol@TRECVID 2019: Activities in Extended Video(.pdf)
    X. Chang, . Li, F. Zhu, M. Han, M. Li, M. Ma, S. Hu -- Monash University
    W. Liu, P. Huang, G. Kang, J. Liang, L. Gui, L. Yu, Y. Qian, J. Wen, A. Hauptmann -- Carnegie Mellon University

  • Hitachi, Ltd; University of Information Technology, Vietnam; National Institute of Informatics
    Paper: NII Hitachi UIT at TRECVID 2019(.pdf)
    M. Klinkigt, A. Hiroike, M. Chabra, Q. Kong, T. Murakami, T. Yoshinaga, S. Saptarshi, C. Limasanches, T. Agrawal, J. M. Vora, M. Ravikiran -- Hitachi, Ltd, Japan
    D. Le, H. Vo, V. Dang, V. Nguyen, T. Do, D. Nguyen, T. Ngo -- University of Information Technology, VNU-HCMC, Vietnam
    Z. Wang, S. Satoh -- National Institute of Informatics, Japan

  • NTT Media Intelligent Laboratories; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    Paper: NTT_CQUPT@TRECVID2019 ActEV:Activities in Extended Video(.pdf)
    Y. Sun, T. Hosono, J. Shimamura, A. Sagata -- NTT Media Intelligent Laboratories, Japan
    X. Chen, C. Li, J. Zhu, C. Xie, S. Huang, L. Wang, K. Hu, Q. Zhou, C. Gao -- Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
    K. Sawada -- National Police Academy, Japan

    Poster: NTT_CQUPT@TRECVID2019 ActEV(.pdf)
    Y. Sun, T. Hosono, J. Shimamura, A. Sagata -- NTT Media Intelligent Laboratories, Japan
    X. Chen, C. Li, J. Zhu, C. Xie, S. Huang, L. Wang, K. Hu, Q. Zhou, C. Gao -- Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
    K. Sawada -- National Police Academy, Japan

  • Aalto University School of Science; EURECOM
    Paper: PicSOM and EURECOM Experiments in TRECVID 2019(.pdf)
    H. Laria Mantecon, J. Laaksonen -- Department of Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science, Finland
    D. Francis, B. Huet -- Department of Data Science EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, France

    Slides: Image Data, Video Data and Both in VTT Model Training - Video-to-Text Task in TRECVID 2019(.pdf)
    J. Laaksonen -- Department of Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science, Finland

  • Peking University
    Paper: PKU_ICST at TRECVID 2019: Instance Search Task(.pdf)
    Y. Peng, Z. Wen, Y. Zhuo, J. Zhang, Z. Ye, H. Sun -- Wangxuan Institute of Computer Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

  • Renmin University of China
    Paper: RUC_AIM3 at TRECVID 2019: Video to Text(.pdf)
    Y. Song, Y. Zhao, S. Chen, Q. Jin -- Renmin University of China

  • Renmin University of China and Zhejiang Gongshang University
    Paper: Renmin University of China and Zhejiang Gongshang University at TRECVID 2019: Learn to Search and Describe Videos(.pdf)
    X. Li, C. Xu, S. Yun, R. Qian -- AL & Media Computing Lab, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
    J. Ye, L. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Dong -- School of Computer and Information Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China

    Slides: Learn to Represent Queries and Videos for Ad-hoc Video Search (.pdf)
    X. Li, C. Xu, J. Dong -- Renmin University of China; Zhejiang Gangshang University

  • Charles University
    Paper: VIRET tool keyword search at TRECVID 2019 AVS task(.pdf)
    J. Lokoc, T. Soucek, F. Mejzlik, L. Peska -- SIRET Research Group, Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic

  • University of Central Florida
    Paper: An Online System for Real-Time Activity Detection in Untrimmed Surveillance Videos(.pdf)
    A. J. Rana, P. Tirupattur, M. N. Rizve, K. Duarte, U. Demir, Y. Rawat, M. Shah -- University of Central Florida

  • University of Technology Sydney and Information Science Academy, China
    Paper: UTS ISA Submission at the TRECVID 2019 Video to Text Description Task(.pdf)
    Q. Rao, G. Li, Y. Yang -- The ReLER Lab, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
    F. Zhang, Z. Wang -- Information Science Academy, China

  • City University of Hong Kong
    Paper: VIREO-EURECOM @ TRECVID 2019: Ad-hoc Video Search (AVS)(.pdf)
    P. A. Nguyen, J. Wu, C. Ngo -- Video Retrieval Group (VIREO), City University of Hong Kong
    F. Danny, B. Huet -- Data Science Department, EURECOM, France

    Paper: VireoJD-MM @ TRECVid 2019: Activities in Extended Video (ActEV) (.pdf)
    Z. Hou, C. Ngo -- Video Retrieval Group (VIREO), City University of Hong Kong
    Y. Pan, T. Yao -- JD AI Research

  • Wuhan University and Guilin University of Electronic Technology
    L. Jiang, J. Yang, E. Guo, F. Xia, Z. Xu, C. Liang -- National Engineering Research Center for Multimedia Software, School of Computer Science, Wuhan University
    R. Meng, J. Luo, X. Li, X. Yan -- School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology

  • Waseda University; Meisei University; SoftBank Corporation
    Paper: Waseda_Meisei_SoftBank at TRECVID 2019: Ad-hoc Video Search (.pdf)
    K. Ueki -- Department of Information Science, Meisei University, Japan
    T. Hori -- AI/Platform Division, Smart IoT Division, SoftBank Corp., Japan
    T. Kobayashi -- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan

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