2006 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation
Notebook Papers and Slides

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TRECVID 2006 Overview Papers and Slides

Slides: TREC 2006 Video Retrieval Evaluation Introductions (.pdf)

Slides: TRECVID 2006 High-Level Feature task: Overview (.pdf)

Slides: TRECVID 2006: Rushes Exploitation Task (.pdf)

Slides: TRECVID 2006: Shot Boundary Detection Task Overview (.pdf)

Slides: TRECVID 2006: Search Task (.pdf)

Paper: TRECVID 2006 Overview (.pdf)
Paul Over, T. Ianeva -- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Wessel Kraaij -- TNO Information and Communication Technology
Alan F. Smeaton -- Dublin City University

TRECVID 2006 Participant Papers Indexed by
Authors and Teams

  • Accenture Technology Labs
    Paper: Semantic Web Techniques for Searching and Navigating Video Shots in BBC Rushes (.pdf)
    B. P. Allen -- Siderean Software, Inc.
    V. A. Petrushin, G. Wei -- Accenture Technology Labs
    D. Roqueiro -- University of Illinois at Chicago

    Slides: Semantic Web Techniques for Searching and Navigating Video Shots in BBC Rushes (.pdf)
    B. P. Allen -- Siderean Software, Inc.
    V. A. Petrushin, G. Wei -- Accenture Technology Labs

  • AIIA
    Paper: AIIA shot boundary detection at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    Z. Cerneková, N. Nikolaidis, I. Pitas -- Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Laboratory

  • AT&T Labs - Research
    Paper: AT&T RESEARCH AT TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    Z. Liu, D. Gibbon, E. Zavesky, B. Shahraray, P. Haffner -- AT&T Labs - Research

  • Beijing Jiaotong University
    Paper: BJTU TRECVID 2006 Video Retrieval System (.pdf)
    S. Wei, Y. Zhao, Z. Zhu, N. Liu, Y. Zhao, L. Zhang, F. Wang -- Beijing Jiaotong University

  • Bilkent University
    Paper: Bilkent University at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    G. Akçay, E. Ataer, M. Bastan, T. Can, Ö. Cavus,g E. Dogrusöz, D. Gökalp, A. Akaydin, L. Acoglu, P. Angin, G. Cinbis, T. Gür, M. Ünlü -- Bilkent University

  • Carnegie Mellon University
    Paper: Multi-Lingual Broadcast News Retrieval (.pdf)
    A. G. Hauptmann, M.-Y. Chen, M. Christel, W.-H. Lin, R. Yan, J. Yang -- Carnegie Mellon University

    Slides: Carnegie Mellon University TRECVID Automatic and Interactive Search (.pdf)
    M. Christel, A. G. Hauptmann, H. Wactlar, R. Yan, J. Yang, B. Baron, B. Maher, M.-Y. Chen, W.-H. Lin -- Carnegie Mellon University

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS/MCG)
    Paper: TRECVID 2006 Rushes Exploitation by CAS MCG (.pdf)
    S. Tang, Y.-D. Zhang, J.-T. Li, X. Pan, T. Xia, M. Li, A. Liu, L. Bao, Q. Yan, L. Tan -- Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS/MCG)
    S. Liu -- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS/JDL)
    C. Liu, H. Liu, S. Jiang, Q. Huang, Y. Zheng, W. Zhang -- Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS/JDL)

  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Paper: Chinese University of Hong Kong at TRECVID 2006: Shot Boundary Detection and Video Search (.pdf)
    S. C. H. Hoi Chinese -- University of Hong Kong
    L. L. S. Wong -- Stanford University
    A. Lyu -- Chinese International School

  • City University of Hong Kong
    Paper: Modeling Local Interest Points for Semantic Detection and Video Search at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    Y.-G. Jiang, X. Wei, C.-W. Ngo, H.-K. Tan, W. Zhao, X. Wu -- City University of Hong Kong

    Paper: CLIPS-LSR Experiments at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    S. Ayoche, J. Gensel, G.M. Quénot -- CLIPS-IMAG

  • Columbia University
    Paper: Columbia University TRECVID-2006 Video Search and High-Level Feature Extraction (.pdf)
    S.-F. Chang, W. Hsu, W. Jiang, L. Kennedy, D. Xu, A. Yanagawa, E. Zavesky -- Columbia University

    Slides: Columbia University TRECVID-2006 High-Level Feature Extraction (.pdf)

    S.-F. Chang, W. Hsu, W. Jiang, L. Kennedy, D. Xu, A. Yanagawa, E. Zavesk -- Columbia University
    Slides: Evaluating the Impact of 374 Visual-based LSCOM Concept Detectors on Automatic Search (.pdf)

    S.-F. Chang, W. Hsu, W. Jiang, L. Kennedy, D. Xu, A. Yanagawa, E. Zavesky -- Columbia University

  • COST292
    Paper: COST292 experimental framework for TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    J. Calic -- University of Bristol
    P. Krämer -- University of Bordeaux
    U. Naci -- Delft University of Technology
    S. Vrochidis, C. Doulaverakis, V. Mezaris, I. Kompatsiaris -- Centre for Research and Technology
    S. Aksoy -- Bilkent University
    Q. Zhang, E. Izquierdo -- Queen Mary, University of London
    A. Saracoglu, A. Alatan -- Middle East Technical University
    E. Spyrou, G. Koumoulos, Y. Avrithis -- National Technical University of Athens
    A. Dalkilic -- Hacettepe University
    R. Jarina -- University of Zilina

    Slides: COST292 at TRECVID Rushes Task (.pdf)
    U. Naci -- Delft University of Technology

  • Curtin University of Technology
    Paper: Curtin at TRECVID 2006 Rushes Summarization (.pdf)
    B.T. Truong, S. Venkatesh -- Curtin University of Technology

  • DFKI
    Paper: Spatiogram-Based Shot Distances for Video Retrieval (.pdf)
    A. Ulges, C. Lampert, D. Keysers -- DFKI

  • Dokuz Eylül University
    Paper: Dokuz Eylül University Video Shot Boundary Detection at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    T. Danisman, A. Alpkocak -- Dokuz Eylül University

  • Dublin City University
    Paper: TRECVid 2006 Experiments at Dublin City University (.pdf)
    X. Xue, H. Lu, H. Yu, S. Zhang, B. Li, J. Zhang, J. Ma, B. Su, Y. Guo -- Fudan University

  • Fudan University
    Paper: Fudan University at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    X. Xue, H. Lu, H. Yu, S. Zhang, B. Li, J. Zhang, J. Ma, B. Su, Y. Guo -- Fudan University

  • FX Palo Alto Laboratory
    Paper: FXPAL at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    M. Cooper, J. Adcock, F. Chen -- FX Palo Alto Laboratory

  • PicSOM/Helsinki University of Technology
    Paper: PicSOM Experiments in TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    M. Sjöberg, H. Muurinen, J. Laaksonen -- Helsinki University of Technology
    M. Koskela -- Dublin City University

  • HuaZhong University of Science and Technology
    Paper: HuaZhong University of Science and Technology at TRECVID 2007 (.pdf)
    K. Zhang, F. Xu, X. Zhang, M. Cai -- HuaZhong University of Science and Technology

  • IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    Paper: IBM Research TRECVID-2006 Video Retrieval System (.pdf)
    M. Campbell, S. Ebadollahi, D. Joshi, M. Naphade, A. Natsev, J. Seidl, J. R. Smith, K. Scheinberg, J. Tešić, L. Xie -- IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    A. Haubold -- Columbia University

    Slides: The IBM TRECVID Concept Detection System (.pdf)
    M. Naphade, D. Joshi, D. Datta, P. Natsev, L. Xie, S. Ebadoolahi, J. Smith,
    A. Haubold, J. Tešić, J .Seidl -- IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

    Slides: IBM Marvel for TRECVID06 Automatic Search (.pdf)
    P. Natsev -- IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

  • Imperial College London/Johns Hopkins University
    Paper: Imperial College and Johns Hopkins University at TRECVID (.pdf)
    A. Ghoshal, S. Khudanpur -- Johns Hopkins University
    João. Magalhães, S. Overell, S. Rüger, A. Yavlinsky -- Imperial College London

  • Indian Institute of Technology at Bombay
    Paper: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    M. Nithya, N. Sawant, A. Parnami, S. Lingamneni, S. Chandran -- Indian Institute of Technology

  • NUS/I2R
    Paper: TRECVID 2006 by NUS-I2R (.pdf)
    T.-S. Chua, S.-Y. Neo, Y. Zheng, H.-K. Goh, Y. Xiao, M. Zhao -- National University of Singapore
    S. Tang -- Chinese Academy of Sciences
    S. Gao, X. Zhu, L. Chaisorn, Q. Sun -- Institute for Infocomm Research

  • IIT/NCSR Demokritos
    Paper: IIT / NCSR "Demokritos" at TRECVID 2006: SHOT BOUNDARY DETECTION (.pdf)
    I. Pratikakis, I. Dounis, B. Gatos, S. Perantonis -- National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"

  • Institute Eurecom
    Paper: Eurécom at TRECVid 2006: Extraction of High-level Features and BBC Rushes Exploitation (.pdf)
    R. Benmokhtar, E. Dumont, B. Huet, B. Mérialdo -- Institut Eurécom

  • Joanneum Research
    Paper: Video Content Browsing Based on Iterative Feature Clustering for Rushes Exploitation (.pdf)
    W. Bailer, C. Schober, G. Thallinger -- JOANNEUM RESEARCH

  • KDDI
    Paper: Shot Boundary Detection and High-Level Feature Extraction Experiments for TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    M. Naito, K. Matsumoto, K. Hoashi, F. Sugaya, Y. Nakajima -- KDDI R&D Laboratories
    M. Shshibory, K. Kita -- Tokushima University
    M. Cuturi, T. Matsui -- The Institute of Statistical Mathematics S. Sato -- National Institute of Informatics

  • K-Space
    Paper: K-Space at TRECvid 2006 (.pdf)
    P. Wilkins, T. Adamek, P. Ferguson, M. Hughes, G. J. F. Jones, G. Keenan, K. McGuinness, J. Malobabic, N. E. O~RConnor, D. Sadlier, Alan F. Smeaton -- Dublin City University
    R. Benmokhtar, E. Dumont, B. Huet, B. Merialdo -- Institut Eurécom
    E. Spyrou, G. Koumoulos, Y. Avrithis -- National Technical University of Athens
    R. Moerzinger, P. Schallauer, W. Bailer -- Joanneum Research
    Q. Zhang, T. Piatrik, K. Chandramouli, E. Izquierdo -- Queen Mary, University of London
    L. Goldmann, M. Haller, T. Sikora -- Technical University of Berlin
    P. Praks -- University of Economics
    J. Urban, X. Hilaire, J. M. Jose -- University of Glasgow

  • Laboratory ETIS
    G. C. Chávez, F. Precioso, M. Cord, S. Philip-Foliguet -- ENSEA
    A. de A. Araújo -- Federal University of Minas Gerais

  • LIP6-Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6
    Paper: University of Paris 6 at TRECVID 2006: Forest of Fuzzy Decision Trees for High-Level Feature Extraction (.pdf)
    C. Marsala, M. Detyniecki -- LIP6-Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6

  • Mediamill Team (Univ. of Amsterdam and TNO)
    Paper: The MediaMill TRECVID 2006 Semantic Video Search Engine (.pdf)
    C. G. M. Snoek, J. C. van Gemert, Th. Gevers, B. Huurnink, D. C. Koelma, M. Van Liempt, O. De Rooij, K. E. A. van de Sande, F. J. Seinstra, A. W. M. Smeulders, A. H.C. Thean, C. J. Veenman, M. Worring -- University of Amsterdam

    Slides: Interactive Search Using a Lexicon too Large to Remember (.pdf)
    M. Worring, B. Huurnink, O. De Rooij, C. G. M. Snoek -- University of Amsterdam
    A. H.C. Thean -- TNO

  • Microsoft Research Asia
    Paper: Microsoft Research Asia TRECVID 2006 High-Level Feature Extraction and Rushes Exploitation (.pdf)
    X.-S. Hua, T. Mei, W. Lai, M. Wang, J. Tang, G.-J. Qi, L. Li, Z. Gu -- Microsoft Research Asia

  • National Institute of Informatics
    Paper: Concept Detection Using Local Binary Patterns and SVM (.pdf)
    D.-D. Le, S. Satoh -- National Institute of Informatics

  • RMIT University
    Paper: RMIT University Video Retrieval Experiments at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    T. Volkmer, S. M. M. Tahaghoghi, J. A. Thom -- RMIT University

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
    Paper: TokyoTech's TRECVID2006 Notebook (.pdf)
    T. Nakamura, Y. Miyamura, K. Shinoda, S. Furui -- Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Tsinghua University
    Paper: Intelligent Multimedia Group of Tsinghua University at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    J. Cao, Y. Lan, J. Li, Q. Li, X. Li, F. Lin, X. Liu, L. Luo, W. Peng, D. Wang, H. Wang, Z.Wang, Z. Xiang, J. Yuan, W. Zheng, B. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Zhang -- Tsinghua University

    Slides: Rich Representations for Rich Semantics (.pdf)
    D. Wang, X. Liu, L. Luo, X. Zhang, Z. Xiang, W. Peng, J. Li, F. Lin, B. Zhang -- Tsinghua University

  • University of Bremen/TZI
    Paper: TZI Bremen -- Trecvid 2006 high level feature extraction (.pdf)
    A. Bruckmann, B. Lerbs, D. Gao, J. Eidtmann, L. Mozogovenko, M. Buczilowski, T. Jughardt, Y. Xu, A. Jacobs, A. LĂĽdtke -- University of Bremen

  • University of California at Berkeley
    Paper: Detecting Categories in News Video Using Image Features (.pdf)
    S. Petrov, A. Faria, P. Michaillat, A. Berg, D. Klein, J. Malik -- University of California
    A. Faria, A. Stolcke -- The International Computer Science Institute
    A. Stolcke -- SRI International

    Slides: Detecting Categories in News Video Using Image Features (.pdf)
    S. Petrov, A. Faria, P. Michaillat, A. Berg, D. Klein, J. Malik -- University of California
    A. Faria, A. Stolcke -- The International Computer Science Institute
    A. Stolcke -- SRI International

  • University of Central Florida
    Paper: University of Central Florida at TRECVID 2006 High-Level Feature Extraction and Video Search (.pdf)
    J. Liu, Y. Zhai, A. Basharat, B. Orhan, S. M. Khan, H. Noor, P. Berkowitz, M. Shah -- University of Central Florida

  • University of Glasgow
    Paper: Glasgow University at TRECVid 2006 (.pdf)
    J. S. Urban, X. Hilaire, F. Hopfgartner -- University of Glasgow

  • University of Marburg
    Paper: University of Marburg at TRECVID 2006:Shot Boundary Detection and Rushes Task Results (.pdf)
    R. Ewerth, M. Mühling, T. Stadelmann, B. Freisleben -- University of Siegen
    E. Qeli, B. Agel, D. Seiler, B. Freisleben -- University of Marburg

  • University of Modena and Reggion Emilia
    Paper: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    C. Grana, R. Vezzani, R. Cucchiara -- Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione

  • University of Ottawa
    Paper: Feature-based cut detection with automatic threshold selection (.pdf)
    A. Whitehead, P. Bose -- Carleton University
    R. Laganière -- University of Ottawa

  • University of Oxford
    Paper: Oxford TRECVID 2006 -- Notebook paper (.pdf)
    J. Philbin, A. Bosch, O. Chum, J.-M. Geusebroek, J. Sivic, A. Zisserman -- University of Oxford

  • University of Sao Paulo
    Paper: The LaTIn Median Frame Shot Boundary Detector (.pdf)
    T. T. Santos, C. H. Morimoto -- University of Sao Paulo

  • University Rey Juan Carlos
    Paper: SBD, Search and Rushes: TRECVid 2006 experiments at URJC (.pdf)
    P. Toharia, O. D. Robles, L. Pastor -- University Rey Juan Carlos
    ?~A. Rodríguez -- Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Madrid

  • Zhejian University
    Paper: Zhejiang University at TRECVID 2006 (.pdf)
    Y. Liu, F. Wu, Y. Zhuang, S. Zhou -- Zhejiang University

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