Questions and Results
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What does it cost ($US) to ride on the upper deck of the Star Ferry across
Hong Kong harbor to Tsimshatsui?
Where can I get a good Pfeffersteak in Hagerstown, MD USA?
I need a map showing the location of the Penfold's winery in Australia.
I want to find the house Max Beerbohm, the English caricaturist, lived
in at the end of his life. If I take the last ferry on a weekday from
Portofino, at what time does the ferry arrive at the town I'm trying
to get to?
Is the Ring Cycle going to be performed at Bayreuth, Germany, this summer
and how do I order tickets?
What is the cost of overnight train tickets, including sleeper
accommodations (double occupancy) from Paris to Munich?
How long does it take to get by train from Copenhagen to Oslo (on a weekend)
in July?
I'm looking for the names of campgrounds around Lake Louise (Canada) that
have showers.
Names of hotels in Kyoto (Japan) that are near the train station?
If I visit Singapore, what, if any, buildings designed by I. M. Pei's firm
can I see there?
Last updated: Tuesday, 01-Aug-2000 13:03:57 UTC
Date created: Monday, 31-Jul-00